Material storage height. Storage and storage of building materials and structures

403. Storage of substances, materials, parts and products (hereinafter - material values) is carried out in specially equipped premises (on sites).

404. Places of storage of material values ​​are equipped with special devices and devices, excluding the arbitrary displacement and fall of substances, materials and products during their storage, means of mechanization of loading and unloading operations.

For warehouses, a plan is developed for the placement of substances and materials, indicating their most characteristic properties (fire and explosion hazard, toxic, chemically active, and the like).

Places and methods of storage of substances and materials, the design of the container, the storage mode are determined based on their state of aggregation, compatibility and uniformity of choice of means of extinguishing them.

Storage, packing, packaging of material values ​​are carried out with the provision of free access to control their status.

At the same time passages should be observed: against the gate - not less than the width of the gate; vs doorways  - a width equal to the width of the doors, but not less than 1 m; between the wall and the shelving, as well as between the shelves (piles) - not less than 0.8 m.

405. The design of shelves for the storage of material values ​​should be designed for the corresponding loads, ensure a stable position of the stored substances, materials and products and exclude their loss during storage.

406. Shelves securely fastened. Each rack must have an inventory number and labels on the maximum permissible load on each shelf. Shelves shelves must have bumpers. Wooden shelving  in warehouses processed flame retardants.

407. The device and operation of rack cranes-stackers must comply with the requirements of GOST 28433-90 "Cranes-stackers. General technical conditions ", approved by the USSR State Committee on Product Quality Management and Standardization of January 29, 1990 No. 99, GOST 12.2.053-91" Occupational safety standards system. Stacker cranes. Safety Requirements ”, approved by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standardization of March 11, 1991 No. 225 (hereinafter referred to as GOST 12.2.053).

408. Each rack-mounted crane and elevator rack is attached with a sign indicating their capacity, maximum dimensions of the transported (stored) cargo, the period of the next technical examination and inventory number.

409. A locking device is provided for in the design of the elevator rack, which excludes the possibility of activating the conveyor drive with open loading or unloading windows or other openings in the mine.

The hazardous areas of the elevator racks are painted in signal colors and are indicated by safety signs in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.026.

410. Before stacking material values ​​in the racks, their cells are cleaned of dirt, packaging residues and preservation.

It is not allowed to stack material values ​​on faulty racks and to overload racks.

411. Glass bottles, glass, other large-sized and heavy material values ​​are placed on the lower tiers.

412. Tires of vehicles shall be placed on the shelves of racks only in a vertical position.

413. Stacked storage is used in the storage of material values ​​in bags, bales, rolls, bales, boxes and other containers, large-diameter pipes, rolled steel, long metal, timber and lumber, large-sized reinforced concrete slabs, panels and similar products.

414. The design and operation of bridge cranes, stackers, used for stacking packaged piece and long goods, must comply with the requirements of GOST 28434-90 “Stacker cranes bridge. General technical conditions ”, approved by the USSR State Committee on Product Quality Management and Standardization of January 29, 1990 No. 99, GOST 12.2.053.

415. Material values ​​are stored in a stack on the floor of a warehouse or in an open area in one or several rows.

In multi-row piles it is not allowed to store material goods with weak packaging that cannot withstand the pressure of the upper rows, packaging and irregularly shaped configuration that does not allow for the stability of the stack.

416. The maximum allowable height of the stacks is determined depending on the type of packaging of materials and products, their weight and the conditions for the mechanization of loading and unloading.

The height of a single-row stack with a width of at least 1 m should not exceed 1.5 m.

417. To ensure stability of the stack, bags, bales, rolls, bales, crates, and the like are stored on a horizontal platform in such a way that their edges form straight lines. When forming the stack in the lower rows store heavier loads.

It is not allowed to make parts, edges of material values ​​and packaging out of the stack.

418. The distance between the piles should not exceed the width of vehicles by no less than 0.8 m, and if necessary, the oncoming traffic should be double the width of the transport plus 1.5 m.

419. In order to avoid subsidence and violation of the vertical position of the stack of open areas in winter time  pre-cleared of debris, ice and snow.

420. Products with protruding sharp edges are stored in a stack or bags so as to exclude the possibility of injury to workers during work.

421. When stacked in a stack of long and heavy material values, use wooden pads or rack racks.

422. When forming a stack of boxes, gaps are left between the boxes. Packages from boxes of various sizes are stored in a stack only in those cases if the stack turns out to be stable and level.

Storage in piles of loaded flat pallets is allowed up to a height at which the tare of the lower pallets is guaranteed.

423. Laying of round timber into piles for storage is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9014.0-75 “General requirements for the storage of round timber of coniferous and hardwood”, approved by the resolution of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 14 November 1975 No. 2911.

424. Formation of sawn timber stacks is made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 3808.1-80 “Softwood lumber. Atmospheric drying and storage ”, approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated March 12, 1980 No. 1136, interstate standard GOST 7319-80“ Sawn timber and hardwood blanks. Atmospheric Drying and Storage, approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards of March 12, 1980 No. 1137.

425. When forming and disassembling stacks of round timber and lumber, they comply with the requirements of GOST 12.3.042-88 “The system of occupational safety standards. Woodworking production. General Safety Requirements ”, approved by the USSR State Committee on Standards of December 21, 1988 No. 4391 (hereinafter referred to as GOST 12.3.042).

426. The storage of rolled products is carried out so that the ends of the end sides of the piles located at the aisles are laid out exactly irrespective of the length of the laid bars, pipes, and the like. When laying metal in warehouses, a passage of at least 0.7 m wide is arranged between the end of the pile and the wall.

427. When storing material values ​​in piles it is not allowed:

stacking and disassembling the piles on the site with strong winds (6 points), heavy rain, snowfall and thick fog (visibility less than 50 m);

perform work on two adjacent stacks simultaneously;

stand on the edge of the stack or on the ends of the interpacket pads, use lifting machines for lifting or lowering the stack.

428. It is allowed to disassemble crooked stacks on the site only during the daytime in accordance with the previously developed method of conducting work under the direction of the person responsible for the safe loading and unloading operations.

Disassembly of the piles produced only on top and evenly along the entire length.

429. Hot-rolled and cold-drawn tapes in coils during stack storage are stored on wooden pallets and placed in piles no more than 2 m high.

430. Wires, cables, rolled wire in coils (bundles) are laid on wooden decking in the following order:

430.1. the first coil (the first coil) is laid flat, the second coil (the second coil) seizes the first cove (the first coil) by half and assumes an inclined position, and so on;

430.2. after one row is laid, the second row with the location of the coils (hanks) in the opposite direction is laid in the same order. The width of such a stack should be at least 1.5 m.

431. Storage bags are stored on special pallets in sections of three or five bags (in threes or fives) in compliance with the procedure for linking the stacked bags and perpendicularity of the stack.

432. When forming packages on flat pallets in order to ensure the stability of the package, the weight of the load is distributed symmetrically relative to the longitudinal and transverse axes of the pallet. The upper plane of the package should be flat.

433. Materials in boxes and bags that are not formed into bags are piled up in a pile. For the stability of the stack, every 2–3 rows of boxes are laid with slats and every 5–6 rows of bags in height - boards.

434. Paper in rolls is stored to a height of no more than three rows with spacers of boards between the rows. Extreme rolls fix stops.

435. For storage in stock, sheet steel of one grade is stored in piles with a height of not more than 1 m. At the same time, the sheet size must be at least 1 m, and the total weight of the stack should not exceed the maximum load capacity  on the floor or overlap.

Large batches of sheet steel of the same grade and size are stored in packages under a canopy or in closed warehouses in wooden bars  with wooden or metal pads between the packages to pass the lines between them and special grips for lifting the package.

436. Cylinders with compressed and liquefied gases are fixed and placed so that they are not exposed to mechanical stress. To prevent gas leaks, a cap is placed on the side fitting of the cylinder valve, and safety caps are installed on cylinders of 40 liters and more.

437. Cylinders with gases stored in a vertical position, in order to avoid falling, are installed in specially equipped nests or protected by barriers. Gas cylinders that do not have shoes are allowed to be stored and stored horizontally on frames or shelves made of non-combustible material.

438. Sheet glass is stored in boxes in one row edge on the floorings.

439. Bulk and dusty materials are stored in bunkers, bins, chests, containers, silos, boxes and other closed containers made of mechanically durable materials protected from corrosion, eliminating dusting, ensuring the safety of materials and the possibility of using means of mechanization of loading and unloading .

Bins, bins, chests, containers, silos, boxes and other containers for storing bulk and dusty materials are equipped with tight-fitting lids.

Bins, silos and other containers should have devices for the mechanical collapse of the vaults (hangs) of materials.

The bins, bins, chests and other containers for storing bulk and dusty materials are marked with indication of their purpose and maximum permissible load.

440. When storing bulk and dusty materials, measures are taken against their spraying during loading and unloading.

Loading hoppers are closed with protective grills, and hatches in protective grills are locked with a lock.

441. Repair and other work inside silos and bunkers are carried out along side-admission by a brigade of at least three workers in compliance with the requirements of the Labor Safety Rules when working at height.

Employees inside the bunker (silo) must be provided with strap safety belts, safety ropes (ropes), one end of which is tied to the safety belt and the other outside the bunker (silo), protective helmets and respirators.

When performing work, two workers are on the overlap of the silo or bunker and supervise the employees performing the work in the bunker and, if necessary, assist them.

442. Temporary warehousing of material values ​​is allowed at a height of not more than 1.5 m in specially designated places equipped with racks, racks, containers with the possibility of mechanized movement of materials and products.

When laying material values ​​install side racks, gaskets, pads, supports and the like, special devices and devices to prevent their spontaneous movement.

443. When storing raw materials, semi-finished and finished products at the sites:

443.1. barrels, drums and bottles are installed in groups of no more than 100 pieces each, with gaps between groups of at least 1 m. The bottles are protected with braid, baskets, wooden crates  and the like;

443.2. drums with cable, cable, and other large-sized cylindrical objects in order to avoid their rolling when laying are strengthened with retaining devices (wedges, slats, planks, and the like).

444. Storage of steel and cast iron pipes, connecting parts to pipes for storage is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 10692-80 “Steel pipes, cast iron pipes and connecting parts to them. Marking, packaging, transportation and storage ”, approved by the USSR State Committee on Product Quality Management and Standards No. 3464 of December 28, 1990.

445. Storage and storage of paints and varnishes are carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 9980.5-86 “Paint and varnish materials. Transportation and Storage ”approved by the USSR State Committee on Standards of June 20, 1986 No. 1618.

446. In warehouse buildings, all operations related to the opening and minor repairs of containers, packaging of products, and preparation of working mixtures are carried out in specially equipped premises isolated from storage sites.

447. Warehousing and storage of material values, as well as storage of means of mechanization of loading and unloading operations on ramps of warehouses are not allowed.

Substances, materials and products, unloaded on the ramp, by the end of the work should be stored in designated storage areas.

448. Empty containers are stored and stored in specially designated areas outside the storage and production areas.

The container before placing in storage is cleared of combustible residues.

In the projects of the production of works, locations for object warehouses for storage of materials and products are provided. Such places are selected in the area of ​​coverage of cranes designed to perform loading and unloading operations and installation of buildings. Sites reserved for storage are leveled, planned, and in winter they are cleared of snow and ice, loose soil is compacted beforehand. For removal of surface water make drainage.
  It is allowed to deliver materials only after arranging storage areas. The design of the work should be minimal. required amount  materials and products for storage in the on-site warehouse. If the warehouse site is located in the immediate vicinity of the edge of the pit or trench, then the weight of the stored items and the effect of this load on the stability of slopes should be taken into account. In any case, the distance from the storage stack to the side should be at least 1 m. Storage areas are provided with convenient access roads for arriving vehicles and maneuvering unloading cranes or towing vehicles that load loaded and divert empty trailers when mounting a building from vehicles.
  During the storage between the stacks of materials leave the aisles for people and driveways for the movement of vehicles and loading-unloading mechanisms. The width of the aisles between the piles for people should be at least 1 m, and the width of the driveways is determined by the dimensions of the machines. When placing materials in piles near fences or other temporary structures, the distance between them should be at least 1 m. Laying and disassembling the piles on the site is carried out, as a rule, in a mechanized way. Storage areas are equipped with portable inventory sites and transitional ladders, the use of which is mandatory for stacks with a height of more than 1.5 m.
  Since the storage sites are located in the area of ​​the cranes and are hazardous areas, they are necessarily fenced, equipped with safety signs and signs with the name of products and structures.
Dust-like materials (cement, alabaster, gypsum, etc.) should be stored in closed containers (bunkers, silos, etc.), the loading openings of which are closed with protective gratings and the hatches are locked with a lock. Working with these materials are provided with individual means of protection of the respiratory and visual organs (respirators and anti-dust glasses).
  Bulk materials (sand, gravel, crushed stone, slag, etc.) in an open area are stored in piles with the observance of the angle of repose for this type of material or fenced with strong retaining walls. When replenishing a stack or shipping a piece of material, the angle of repose should be maintained to avoid collapse. It is strictly forbidden to select bulk materials in the way of undermining, as this may cause a collapse of the stack and lead to accidents.
  Cylinders with compressed and liquefied gases are stored in special one-story closed, ventilated rooms with easily removable roof, isolated from sources of open fire and welding, in a vertical position in the nests. Empty cylinders are stored separately. Joint storage of cylinders with oxygen and acetylene or other combustible and explosive gases is prohibited. When storing the cylinders in the open air, they are protected from direct sunlight.
  Everything gas cylinders  must be painted in the appropriate color and have clear inscriptions (also corresponding color) with the name of the gas contained in them.
  Glass on the construction site is stored only in boxes in one row.
  Bitumen is stored under a canopy and protected from exposure to sunlight. Thermal insulation materials are stored in piles up to 1.2 m high.
  Calcium carbide drums are stored in dry, well-ventilated, fire-resistant rooms with outdoor electric lighting. Temporary storage of small stocks of calcium carbide is allowed only under a canopy. The drums with carbide are laid on linings with a height of at least 20 cm.
  The placement of warehouses for the storage of calcium carbide is coordinated with the fire brigade. Outside the warehouse, in a prominent place, there should be an inscription “Flammable!”, And inside are posted instructions or rules for the storage and handling of calcium carbide. For opening drums with calcium carbide, special tools and devices are used to prevent the formation of sparks.
The carbide drums that are not fully used are sealed with pressure caps to prevent moisture ingress. Calcium carbide containers are stored separately in designated areas.
  Acids are contained in tightly closed glass bottles with separate ventilated areas. The acid bottles are set on the floor in one row. On them the label with the name of acid has to be pasted. The bottling of the acid from the bottles is done using devices that provide a forced tilt. To prevent splashing of acid during pouring, special nozzles are put on the bottles.
  Flammable and combustible liquids on construction sites are stored in separate fireproof buildings, equipped with ventilation, in a closed container. The issuance of flammable liquids is allowed only in hermetically sealed metal containers by pumps, through a copper grid. Warehouses are placed on sites enclosed with a land shaft at lower elevations in relation to objects under construction.
  For storage of containers from under flammable liquids a special platform is allocated at a distance of at least 30 m from the place of work. Containers for paints, mastics, and glues are also stored outside the premises.
  In separate buildings equipped with reliable ventilation, it is necessary to prepare and store explosive and flammable mastics, varnishes, paints, adhesives on organic solvents, drying oil, and oil.

Paintwork, insulation, finishing and other materials emitting explosive or harmful substances may be stored at workplaces in quantities not exceeding the replacement requirement.
  Storage sites for antiseptics should be located at a distance of at least 100 m from water sources. Vessels with antiseptics must be closed with tight lids or stoppers. Antiseptic containers should be disposed of or incinerated. It is forbidden to inspect the container with an open flame. It is possible to work with these substances only in overalls complying with typical industry standards (canvas clothes, leather boots, rubber gloves, canvas shoulder pads) using gas masks or respirators and goggles.
Materials and products made with the use of polymers must meet the requirements of GOST standards and be used in accordance with SNiP. If there are no GOST standards or methodical recommendations of technical conditions (MRTU), technical specifications manuals (MOUTH) for any materials and products manufactured using polymers, they can be used only after obtaining permission from the bodies of sanitary inspection, fire protection and if they are approved in the prescribed manner instructions for their use. When using imported polymeric (sheet, piece and rolled) materials, adhesives and mastics special attention  It is necessary to pay attention to the safety of workers working with them, to strict observance of instructions and instructions for working with these materials, since their failure to do so may lead to an accident. It is strictly forbidden to use imported adhesives and mastics, which do not have instructions and safety instructions, until agreed with the health authorities and receiving instructions for their use.
  The premises in which the work is performed with the use of adhesives, mastics and paints emitting harmful and explosive volatile fumes should be provided with forced supply and exhaust ventilation, and the rate of air exchange guaranteeing safe operation should be determined by calculation (it should be specified in the project of work).
  In the rooms where polymeric materials emitting flammable and explosive vapors are stored, manufactured and applied, it is prohibited to smoke and perform work associated with the use of fire. Light fittings and electric motors in these rooms must be explosion-proof. Care should be taken to prevent the generation and accumulation of static electricity charges.
Glue should be stored in a hermetically sealed container in a dark room, specially adapted for the storage of flammable substances and equipped with ventilation, at a distance of at least 2 m from water heating devices. The temperature in the room should not exceed 20 ° C. Other types of heating in these rooms are not allowed. Banks with mastic or glue should be opened immediately before use, you can not keep them open for a long time; at the end of the work, banks should be tightly closed and handed over to a warehouse adapted for their storage. Empty containers for used mastic, adhesives and paints containing volatile, flammable and harmful substances should be stored outside the working premises in a specially designated place.
  Products of sanitary engineering - enameled, cast iron and steel (sinks, sinks with detachable and solid-molded backs) are stored on wooden pads or gaskets with paper linings on them.
  Cast iron sewer pipes  and shaped parts are stored sorted by size. The pipes are laid on wooden pads in rows in stacks with a height not exceeding 100 cm.
  Each pipe in the row of the stack is laid with a bell to the smooth end of the adjacent pipe.
Steel tubes  large diameters are laid on wooden spacers between the rows and end stops that protect the pipes from rolling.
  Asbestos-cement pipes are laid under sheds or in an open area in piles up to 120 cm high on lining with supports.
  Asbestos wavy and half-wavy shells are laid horizontally in piles up to 100 cm high, tied in packs of 5 pcs. in each. Lining and pads are made of the same length and placed vertically strictly one above the other.
  Pig-iron radiators assembled can be transported and stored in folding containers.
  Sinks, cast iron, enameled with a full-back, should be stacked in piles in two or three rows in height in sorted form.
  Enameled cast iron baths are stored in factory containers indoors or under a canopy. In each container is placed 10 baths. Containers set at a height of one in a row.
Enameled cast iron and steel shells with detachable backs are placed in piles of three to four rows in height. The backs of steel enamelled shells are packed in paper of 5 pcs. Between the backs must be laid sheets of paper. The backs of enameled cast iron sinks are tied with wire in bundles of 5 to 10 pcs. in each. Paper should also be laid between the backs.
  Enameled cast-iron and steel sinks with one-piece backs are placed on shelves of shelving in sorted form indoors or under a canopy.
Metal mesh  set in a vertical position in rolls tied with a wire in the middle and along the edges. The weight of the roll should be no more than 80 kg.
  Work on the storage of materials and structures should be mechanized.
  When storing structures in a horizontal position, the bottom row is placed on the lining size of at least 100 x 100 mm or on logs sawn from two sides. Subsequent rows of the structures are laid on wooden through gaskets.
  Materials, structures and equipment for storage in the open area is placed as follows:
  - brick in bags on pallets - no more than two tiers, in containers - in one tier, without containers - no more than 1.7 m high;
  - foundation blocks and basement wall blocks - in stacks with a height not exceeding 2.6 m on linings and gaskets;
- wall panels  - in cassettes or pyramids;
  - panels of partitions - in cassettes vertically;
  - wall blocks - in stacks in two tiers on linings and gaskets;
  - floor slabs - in stacks with a height not exceeding 2.5 m on gaskets and linings;
  - blocks of garbage chutes - in piles no more than 2.5 m high;
  - bolt and columns - in piles up to 2 m high on linings and gaskets;
  - tile materials (asbestos-cement tiles, asbestos-cement wavy sheets and flat asbestos-cement plates) - in the feet up to 1 m high;
  - asbestos-cement slabs - in stacks up to 15 rows;
  - tiles (cement-sand and clay) - in piles up to 1 m high on the edge with gaskets;
  - round wood - in stacks with a height not exceeding 1.5 m with gaskets between the rows and stops against rolling out, the width of the stack must be at least its height;
  - sawn timber - in stacks, the height of which for ordinary stacking is no more than half the width of the pile, and when stacked in cages - no more than the width of the pile;
  - small section metal - in racks not more than 1.5 m high;
- sanitary and ventilation units - in piles with a height of not more than 2.5 m on gaskets and linings;
  - heating devices (radiators, etc.) in the form of separate sections or assembled - in stacks with a height of not more than 1 m;
  - large-sized and heavy equipment and its parts - in one row on the lining;
  - glass in boxes and rolled materials - vertically in one row on the lining;
  - bitumen - in tight packaging;
  - ferrous rolled metals (sheet steel, channel bars, I-beams, long steel) - in stacks up to 1.5 m high with linings and gaskets;
  - heat-insulating materials - in piles up to 1.2 m in a closed dry room;
  - pipes with a diameter up to 300 mm - in stacks up to 3 m high on linings and gaskets with end stops;
  - pipes with a diameter of more than 300 mm - in piles up to 3 m high into the saddle without gaskets; the lower row of pipes must be laid on the linings, reinforced with inventory metal shoes or end stops securely attached to the linings.
  When storing precast concrete structures and parts, the following requirements are met:
  - store in the design position (with the exception of columns, staircases, piles, ventilation units and sanitary-technical garbage disposal);
  - to place so that their factory marking is easy to read from the side of the passage or passage, and the assembly hinges of the products laid in the piles are turned upwards.
  For storage of flat parts and structures in a vertical position, special devices are used - cassettes, and products stored in an inclined position are stored in pyramids. Pyramids installed on storage sites in the transverse direction relative to the walls of buildings should have gaps for passage between them.
  The layout of the structures and the placement of the stacks are made in the area of ​​the crane, taking into account the sequence of installation.
  Constructions that have a large mass are placed closer to the mounting crane.
  To protect concrete and reinforced concrete structures from being deformed when stored horizontally, gaskets between products are placed strictly vertically one above the other.

Labor safety issues: requirements for buildings, lighting, ventilation, heating, communications, workplaces, equipment, etc.

In addition to the requirements of this section, the storage of materials, semi-finished products and products in workshops and warehouses must comply with the provisions of the Rules fire safety on ships and coastal facilities of the Ministry of the River Fleet, part II "Coastal facilities".

Materials, semi-finished products and products should be stored in warehouses and warehouses with hard surface and equipped enough  racks, bins, platforms and other devices and devices that guarantee safety during warehouse maintenance.

Warehouses and storage areas for storing heavy materials and products should be equipped with lifting and transporting equipment. Loading and unloading operations with the use of lifting mechanisms should be carried out in full compliance with the requirements of the Rules for the Design and Safety of Lifting Cranes, approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor.

To the warehouses and storage platforms should be arranged well-maintained access roads.

All labor-intensive and heavy operations associated with the loading and unloading of raw materials, finished products and materials should be mechanized.

At enterprises where materials are stored in open areas (except for metal), sheds should be arranged above the place of their storage.

Warehouses located in basement and semi-basement premises, as well as in rooms above the first floor and having stairs with more than one march or more than 1.5-2 m in height, must be equipped with mechanized lifts.

For storage of materials, semi-finished products and products in workshops should be allocated special storage rooms. Open areas intended for the storage of materials must have restrictive lines. It is prohibited to store materials and semi-finished products outside the designated areas, in aisles and passages.

Storage of materials and semi-finished products at workplaces should not hamper walkways and passages. When storing materials and semi-finished products on racks above 1.5 m, light, strong and stable portable ladders or stepladders should be arranged.

Storage in unsuitable premises, as well as joint storage of wealth, flammable substances and materials (gasoline, alcohol, carbide, calcium, drying oil, etc.) is not allowed. All warehouses should be provided with special knife switches (switches) for de-energizing electrical grids after work. The common electric switch should be located outside the warehouse on a fireproof wall.

Storage of materials and semi-finished products in the workshop is allowed in the minimum quantities necessary to ensure a continuous production process. Long-term storage of materials and semi-finished products in the shops is prohibited.

Stacked materials are allowed with and without packaging. It is forbidden to stack goods in a faulty container. The height of the stacks should provide stability from falling apart and not exceed:

boxes with various hardware - 2 m;

sheet metal in packs or individual sheets when laying the crane with a hook grab - 1.5 m;

metal in pigs (cast iron, copper, steel, babbitt, etc.) with their laying in cages with a wide base downwards - 1 m;

bricks without packaging - 2 m; . bags of cement with the use of strips of boards - 2 m;

lumber - with ordinary stacking no more than half the width of the pile, and in the cells - no more than the width of the pile;

round wood with mechanized laying in the form of a truncated pyramid with the installation of stops and gaskets between the rows - 10 m.

Manual laying of wood is allowed in exceptional cases with a stack height of not more than 2 m.

Logs should be stacked in roundwood stacks so that the stack is not tilted in any direction; The longitudinal gaskets used should go one behind the other at least 1 m, and should be vertical one above the other. The tail of the pile is laid out with a slope, for which each top row is made shorter by one log. The gap between two adjacent stacks must be at least 5 m. It is forbidden to leave hanging logs in the stack.

Bulk goods should be stored in piles with an angle of inclination to the horizon no more than the angle of repose of the stored material. In case of need to have warehouses of bulk cargo with vertical slopes, bins should be arranged with the racks of sufficient strength and stability.

Disassemble stacks of bulk cargoes should not violate their sustainability. Work undermined is prohibited.

In all cases, the specific load on the storage area should not exceed the value allowed by the applicable design standards.

In warehouses only central water heating is allowed. Heating pads (batteries) must be covered with metal covers.

Wooden structures inside warehouses should be treated with flame retardant.

Lighting fixtures fitted with glass caps should be located along the aisles and driveways of the warehouse. The distance from the fixtures to products stacked on racks and riots must be at least 0.5 m.

The device of desks in warehouses is strictly prohibited. In case of emergency, the device can only be approved in buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance, provided that non-combustible materials for walls and ceilings are used and an independent exit to the outside is used.

Warehouses, open areas for storage of materials and goods must have a fire pipe. It is allowed to use motor pumps.

Each warehouse must have. Instructions defining the duties of receivers and warehouse managers in compliance with fire safety regulations.

In warehouses, signs should be displayed prominently in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76 and instructions setting forth safety measures for storing paintwork and other materials containing toxic, flammable and explosive substances.

Document's name:    RD 39-7-904-83 Instructions for storing and storing materials, equipment and spare parts in warehouses of the bases of production and technical services and equipment, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry oil industry
Document Number: 39-7-904-83
Type of document:    Order of the USSR Ministry of Oil Industry
Accepted body:    USSR Ministry of Petroleum Industry
Status:    Acting
Published:    Ministry of Petroleum Industry. - M., 1983
Date of adoption:    July 20, 1983
Starting date: September 01, 1983

RD 39-7-904-83


  on storage and storage of materials, equipment and spare parts
  in the warehouses of the bases of production and technical maintenance and equipment,
  enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Petroleum Industry

This document is developed by:

Management of logistics, the Office of picking equipment.

Head of the Logistics Department N.N.Shkurin

Head of the Equipment Acquisition Department S.I. Yudilevich

AGREED: Head of the Technical Department Yu.N. Baidikov


By the order of the Ministry of Petroleum Industry of 02.08.83 N 417, the introduction date was established from 01.09.83.

APPROVED by Deputy Minister of Oil Industry V.Ya.Sokolov July 20, 1983

This instruction is intended for organizing the storage of material values ​​at the bases of the departments of production and technical maintenance and equipment, as well as in warehouses and storage areas for materials and equipment of enterprises and organizations of the industry.

The requirements of the instruction are obligatory for all enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Petroleum Industry that have material and technical resources.

In developing this instruction, a number of provisions were used, which were set out in the instruction on storing and storing materials, equipment and spare parts in warehouses of bases and enterprises of the Nizhnevolzhskneft association, as well as the requirements of instructions and guidelines for the storage of certain types of materials and equipment of the Gossnab of the USSR.

The final edition was developed by employees of the Minnefteprom TT departments. Shkurin N.N., Yudilevich S.I., Kovalenko A.V., Gafarovym F.G., Kashcheev A.A., Pan'kin N.I. and employees of VNIIOENG tt. Krol M.M. and Neimand E.V.



1.1. The bases of the management of production and technical maintenance, warehouses and storerooms at enterprises and organizations are intended for receiving, storing and dispensing the material resources necessary for ensuring production activities.

1.2. The territory of the PTOIKO and BPO base of the enterprise where the warehouses are located must be fenced in, have hard coatingproviding water flow from buildings and open areas.

1.3. Roads at the base should be positioned so that access to all warehouses and sites is ensured.

1.4. Storage conditions of material values ​​in warehouses should provide:

1.4.1. Rational placement of goods in warehouses, racks or in piles.

1.4.2. Quantitative and qualitative safety of all incoming goods.

1.4.3. The most complete use of space and storage tanks.

1.4.4. The use of the most rational technological planning of the territories of bases for the placement of equipment and materials storage sites.

1.4.5. The use of advanced handling equipment and process equipment.

1.4.6. The ability to perform technological operations in all weather conditions.

1.4.7. Compliance with fire safety and safe working conditions.

1.5. To ensure the qualitative and quantitative preservation of materials, warehouse workers should be well aware of their properties and fulfill all the requirements of this material storage instruction.

1.6. The main factors ensuring compliance with the requirements, conditions and storage techniques are right choice  and rational use of warehouse equipment (racks, pallets, handling equipment, etc.).

1.7. The methods and procedure for protection of materials stored in open areas depend on the type of materials, its quantity, method of laying, storage time, climatic conditions of the area.

1.8. In the warehouses of logistics, the rules of joint storage of wealth should be strictly followed in accordance with the instructions and tables N 1, 2.

Table N 1

  materials incompatible with storage

Name of the material group

Ferrous, non-ferrous metals, hardware,
  the knowledge

  all mate-
  riyals, cement, alabaster
  and etc.


  clothing, fabrics, fiber
  you are e

  Kie mate

Chemical materials

Gases and calcium carbide



  Naya Izya

varnishes, paints, nitro
  varnishes, alcohol



calcium carbide

Ferrous and non-ferrous metals, hardware, equipment

Construction Materials


Overalls, fabrics, fibrous materials

  technical materials (products)

Chemical materials:


varnishes, paints, nitrolaks

Gases and
calcium carbide:



calcium carbide


x - joint storage is allowed

- - joint storage is not allowed.

0 - shared storage is allowed, but not recommended

1.9. The base must have a technological layout of equipment and materials.

1.10. Each stock must have:

layout and storage rules; job descriptions; samples of documentation of operational accounting, as well as the rules of the established internal work schedule. The detailed layout of shelving with their markings must be posted in a prominent place.

1.11. All inventory items in warehouses should have tags indicating the name, brand, quantity, price, card number and date of receipt.

1.12. Ways of laying materials and products (in piles, on racks or outdoor) depend on their shape, weight, packaging, physical properties and quantity.

1.13. Stacking storage is used in cases where the shape of the material (in packaging or unpacked) allows stacking, and the amount of material is enough to form a stack.

1.14. Materials and products that cannot be stacked due to a small amount or their shape should be stored on racks.

1.15. The type of the rack (shelf, cage, cellular, cantilever, etc.) should be determined by the amount of stored material, its size and technical storage conditions.

1.16. Materials and products packaged on flat and in box pallets can be stored on the shelving racks.

1.17. Small pieces of irregular shape and without packaging can be stored in shelf-cell racks with stacking in box pallets and without them.

1.18. To ensure the mechanization of loading and unloading, better use of the area and volume of the warehouse, reducing labor costs for handling materials and products in warehouses it is necessary to apply packaging.

1.19. Packing on flat pallets to be goods that are in rigid containers, and piece goods, the configuration of which allows you to create a sustainable package.

1.20. Packing on flat pallets should be carried out taking into account the peculiarities of storing packages in piles and racks. The requirements for flat pallets for storage in piles are as follows:

1.20.1. The correct geometric shape;

1.20.2. The upper plane of the bag should be flat and parallel to the bottom;

1.20.3. Cargoes in the package should not protrude more than 5 cm beyond the borders of the pallet;

1.20.4. Laying should ensure the stability of the package, the weight of the package should not exceed the loading capacity of the loading and unloading mechanism;

1.20.5. In the package it is allowed to stack only the goods in a serviceable container, ensuring the safety of products.

1.21. Materials and products that have the same size of a unit or packaging space are placed on a flat pallet in horizontal rows. It is necessary that the butt joints of the lower row should overlap with the upper row where possible.

1.22. When stacked for storage of goods in box pallets, the height of laying should not exceed the upper edge of the pallet, should ensure the safety of the container and products from damage.

1.23. The height of the packages intended for storage in the racks should provide free installation in the inter-shelf space.

1.24. In the box pallets packaged goods that when laying on flat pallets do not create a sustainable package or collapse under the action of small loads. In the same pallet should be placed the same materials and products.

1.25. On rack pallets place loads that can create a package and withstand the load volume with a height within the rack rack.

1.26. Every day should check daily:

temperature in the warehouse, proper storage of materials and products in racks and piles; serviceability email network, water supply, heating, sewage, ventilation systems, external drainage; shelter materials stored in open areas and under a canopy; no leaks in the roof; glazing condition on the windows.

1.27. Warehouse workers should be able to work with fire-fighting equipment and equipment, know the rules of care and its use in extinguishing a fire.

2. Hire of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, alloys and hardware, pipes

2.1. Steel pipes, rolled non-ferrous and ferrous metals, their alloys and metal products can be stored in open areas, under a canopy, in closed unheated and heated storage facilities.

2.2. In open areas of material warehouses, which must be concreted or asphalted with a gradient of 2-3 degrees for water flow, rolled metal of large sizes and profiles is stored, in particular: beams, channel bars, rails, steel and high-grade ordinary brands, high-quality carbon steel grades with dimensions of 50 mm and above, carbon tool and stainless brands with dimensions of 100 mm and above, rolled wire of low-carbon steel of ordinary quality, steel pipes (except gas and thin-walled), tubes of cast iron Unny and shaped parts to them.

2.3. Under sheds stored: steel cylinders; structural steel, structural steel from 4 mm and above and other high carbon steels; pipes of small diameters.

2.4. In closed unheated, but dry premises are stored: ordinary sheet steel with a thickness of up to 4 mm, stainless steel and sheet stainless and tool steel up to 100 mm, fast cutting, automatic, calibrated; roofing, black tin; galvanized sheet steel, tinned sheet, decapitated, corrugated sheet, electrical; all types of metal products: nails, bolts, nuts, cotter pins, screws, washers, pins, wire, mesh, electrodes.

2.5. All types of rolled products, raw materials and non-ferrous metal alloys, except those that are to be stored in heated premises, should be stored in closed warehouses. Although mercury is stored in an unheated room, it must be isolated from metals.

2.6. In heated warehouses placed ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys, for the preservation of which requires a constant positive temperature of the air, isolation from dust and moisture. These include: tin, tin-containing alloys, pos-90 solder, calcium babbitt and babbits B83 and 89, drawn wire with a cross section of less than 1 mm, nichrome wire, tool, alloyed steel, silver steel of all sections and grades, white tin, magnesium products , zinc, cadmium and some other most valuable materials and alloys.

2.7. The order of laying on-site storage of pipes, ferrous and non-ferrous metals and metal products, the technique of their storage depends on their overall dimensions, the method of packaging, the incoming quantity and other conditions.

2.8. Steel pipes: casing, drilling, oil pipelines, tubing should be stored in rack racks in open areas.

2.9. Before storing pipes for storage, the correct marking and the presence of safety elements (rings, caps) on threaded connections are checked.

2.10. The pipes are laid separately in size.

2.11. On one rack are laid pipes having the same parameters: type, nominal diameter, wall thickness, strength group, type and class of thread.

2.12. The requirements for racking and stacking pipes are as follows:

2.12.1. The working (supporting) surface of the racks must be horizontal in order to prevent spontaneous rolling of pipes;

2.12.2. The height of the racks from the ground must be at least 300 mm;

2.12.3. The height of the stack of pipes on the racks should not exceed three meters.

Note: In this paragraph and later in Section II, the indicated storage height limits are possible only under the condition of permissible design loads on the racks.

2.13. When laying pipes in rows with a diameter of up to 300 mm in a stack, at least 3 wooden gaskets should be laid between the rows: for tubing pipes - 30 mm; for casing, drilling and oil pipelines - 40 mm - for the convenience of stitching. Pipes with a diameter of more than 300 mm are stacked in a pile up to 3 meters high, without gaskets, in the saddle.

2.14. Each rack must be equipped with a plate containing the main technical characteristics of the pipes placed on this rack.

2.15. The presence of grease on the pipes with cutting and on the couplings is checked and, if necessary, restored.

2.16. Beams, channel bars, rails are stored on plots stacked in rack-type U-shaped racks on gaskets or bars not less than 50 mm thick, at a distance of 2 meters one from the other, up to 3.0 meters high.

2.17. Long products, pipes in small quantities are stored in the W-shaped cells of the rack racks installed in open areas using gaskets at least every 50-60 cm in height. Permissible storage height up to 3.0 meters.

2.18. In order to avoid rolling of pipes, metal-roll with racks, it is forbidden to overfill the cells of the racks with the formation of "caps".

2.19. Indoors, rental and small tubes are conveniently stored in Christmas-tree or cantilever racks.

2.20. Sheet steel is stored on pads, stacked in piles up to 2 meters high with shims at least 50 mm thick.

2.21. Sheet steel is stored indoors, in piles up to 2 meters high, possibly in original packaging on wooden pallets. Also, the remaining steel sheets that are to be stored in closed unheated warehouses are stored and stored.

2.22. Wire rod 6.5-8 mm and small rolled steel in coils are laid in rows on the edge at an angle of 20-30 ° in the herringbone cover directly on a concrete base in an open area no more than 1.5 meters high.

2.23. The distance between rows of stacks (racks) must be at least 1 meter.

2.24. The distance between the racks in the row should be from 1 meter to 0.5 meters.

2.25. Dimensions of approaching the piles to the railway should be at least 2.25 m from the rail.

2.26. The ends of the rolled line are aligned with the help of facing machines.

2.27. Non-ferrous rolled metal is accepted at the site and placed in racks, sheet metal - on pallets. When shifting sheet metal, it is forbidden to move it over the adjacent sheet in order to avoid scratches. Foil from non-ferrous metals is stored unpacked on racks upholstered in soft material. Roller and sheet lead, in order to avoid kinks, are laid on wooden flooring up to 1 meter high.

2.28. When working with lead and mercury, as they are poisonous, safety regulations must be observed.

2.29. All hardware and electrodes are stored in closed dry rooms.

2.30. Hardware should be stored in the original packaging, as they are lubricated with anti-corrosion grease, in stacks up to 1.5 m.

2.31. Similarly stored electrodes. They must be stacked on pallets, in their original packaging with strict adherence to the brand and diameter.

2.32. The steel wire is stored in a closed unheated room and placed in stacks on wooden flooring in special box pallets, in frame racks.

2.33. Telegraph hooks are stored in an open area in box pallets, in frame racks or special containers.

2.34. Shovels, forks, saws are stored indoors in box pallets.

2.35. New cylinders are stored under a canopy in racks.

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