Protection from the evil eye with water and nettles. Magic herb Nettle: magical properties

Do you have nettles in your garden? Then you are very lucky! If not, urgently borrow from your neighbors)))

Our great-great-grandmothers skillfully used this plant for a wide variety of purposes.
We present to your attention an excerpt from Darina’s new book, which everyone has been waiting for for so long. The entire book (more than 200 pages) is dedicated to the ancient and mysterious Magic of Plants. And not some exotic overseas ones - the most ordinary ones, which are full underfoot)))

Nettle - “burns” your enemies, sorcerers and envious people!

The grass that gives us so much trouble in the garden has many beneficial properties.

Many people are familiar with the gastronomic properties of nettle. It is no secret that many diseases are treated with the help of nettle. But not everyone knows that the herb has strong magical properties.
So, burning herb can counteract evil witchcraft.
If a person begins to feel unwell, becomes weak and tired, then using nettle will help restore his energy and strength. Previously, nettles were often placed in shoes so that they would protect and prevent evil spirits from taking over a person’s soul.
Nettle is a good talisman for all Aries and Scorpios. If you carry a bag of spring nettles with you, it will be difficult to take you by surprise. In addition, nettle is a friend of women; it discourages random hooligans or rapists from getting involved with those under its protection. If you are afraid that someone will offend your child, carefully sew a nettle leaf into the lining of your clothes.
Nettle is one of the twelve magical plants used in white magic. There are a great variety of methods for using the magical powers of this herb.

Witchcraft recipes

Nettle infusion for diabetes
Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped dry herb into one glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Herbal tea for anemia Herbal tea ingredients:
Nettle – 8 parts
Horsetail – 4 parts
Eucalyptus leaf – 1 part
Pharmaceutical smoker – 6 parts
Wormwood – 3 parts
Calamus root – 2 parts
Dandelion root – 4 parts
Mix all herbs well. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Strain.
Take half a glass 2 times a day.
The course of treatment is 1.5–2 months.

Healer's recipe for hair loss
If your hair begins to fall out, perhaps it is the machinations of some kind of witch.
A decoction of nettles will break her spell. Prepare a decoction, repeating the Lord's Prayer nine times during the process. Before and after prayer, baptize the water, saying the following words: “Lord, bless!” You need to rinse your hair with the words “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen!".


To remove the evil eye from a person
To remove the evil eye from a person, it is enough to carry a bunch of fresh nettles around him 7 times, after which it must be buried in the ground, you can also simply smoke the nettle or take a bath using herbs.

Spell for beautiful hair

If you want your hair to be as beautiful as in commercials, resort to a spell! To do this, prepare an infusion of nettle and birch leaves. Take nine leaves of these plants and put them in cold water, which must be spoken in the following words: “As you, birch tree, and you, nettle, show off your green foliage, give me, the servant of God (name), a little bit of your beauty and strength from its branches, from its roots, and from the land from under those roots. So that I, the servant of God (name), become rich and curly with my thick and long hair. Let it be so from my strong word, from my great desire, the servant of God (name). Neither witches nor sorceresses spoil my words, and neither evil nor good ones spoil them. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
Then thoroughly treat your hair roots with this water.

From falling into the underworld

With the help of evil spirits, you can do all sorts of nasty things to a bewitched person, one of which is very unpleasant and dangerous. You can be dragged into the underworld. So, if you feel that you are already being pulled there, urgently put nettles in the soles of your shoes or any other shoes you wear. You won't be dragged anywhere!

Cleansing an enchanted house

If you feel that something is wrong in your home and are afraid that some evil spirits are to blame, resort to a fairly simple method: make a broom from nettles and sweep all the floors. This is an old method that my grandmother always used. Nettle can also be used for fumigation. Evil spirits are afraid of such a smell.
So that the ritual performed does not turn out to be in vain, because evil spirits may well come again, weave a rug from nettles and place it in the hallway. Evil forces will never cross the threshold of your apartment again.
A bunch of dry nettles above the front door also becomes a reliable barrier to evil forces.

Nettle amulet

To make an effective amulet for yourself, you need to put nettle seeds in a red silk bag and put it around your neck. This amulet is often used when sending loved ones to dangerous places, for example, to the army, to war, to court. In general, where strength, labor and endurance are needed. Indeed, in this case, nettle can give strength, courage and good luck.
Amulet against dark magical powers

An ordinary cloth bag becomes such an amulet, in which you need to put coarse unrefined salt mixed with dry nettles. You must have the bag with you at all times.

Fortune telling about the enemy

This often happens in life - you feel that someone is messing with you, but you don’t know who! Using nettles you can guess the enemy's name.
Check the plant for pungency. This is not very pleasant, but necessary. As you run your hand over the nettles, think about good things. If you manage to focus on the positive, then nettle will not burn you. Go through the names of people who are among the suspects. When you reach the enemy's name, a burning pain will make you stop!

Against the evil eye and damage

And nettle protects from these misfortunes. If you are sure that you have been jinxed, sew a cloth doll and stuff it with nettles. The name of the enemy will be suggested by the ritual described above. The gender of the doll depends on the gender of the enemy. Write the name of the ill-wisher on the kule and burn it. You can just bury this doll. The curse will return to the enemy.

Remove love spell
But there is also a ritual that can direct the action of nettle to remove a love spell. After all, people often succumb to someone’s fortune-telling and fall in love with a person with whom, in principle, they do not want to live. And in order not to ruin your life, you definitely need to carry out a ritual to remove the love spell. Also, both friends and relatives can use this ritual to help people close to them get rid of the spell of the person who bewitched them. First you need to line the nettle on the table and put a photograph on it. If the photo is pathetic, put a photocopy of it, on which on the back side write the name and date of birth of the “damaged” one. . Then you should take a candle and light it, after which you need to drip wax onto the photograph, while saying cleansing prayers. You should also have a cross charged with energy in your hands. This cleansing must be done daily for 7 days. As a rule, all the evil eye and damage disappear after this.

A conspiracy against binge drinking in women.
To cure a woman from drinking, you need to go to the cemetery, find a nettle, pull it out by the roots and immediately plant it in the ground upside down and roots up. Then you need to eat the pancake and say:
Just as stinging nettles do not grow root up, so may the servant of God (name) not drink green wine. Remember, Lord, not the servant of God (name) lying in the ground, but walking on the ground. A dead man will not eat a pancake, will not drink water, and the servant of God (name) will not take drunken things into his mouth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy against husband's infidelity.
Pull the nettles by the roots with your bare hand and hang them on the fence. At the same time say:
Just as a white hand does not tolerate nettles, so my husband would not tolerate anyone but me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Collection rules

The greatest magical power is found in mature, but not yet old, nettles on the young Moon. But for nettle to help you, you must pick it without fear and without anger at the burns. This plant has the character of a warrior. Nettle does not like cowards and its help is greatly weakened. If you tear the plant with caution, it begins to drive through the leaves a burning juice akin to poisonous, which deprives the nettle of many healing and magical properties.
Nettles can also be cut with a knife to create amulets, but under no circumstances should they be pulled out of the ground by the roots, otherwise the sacred connection of the plant with the place where it grew will be lost, and most of its magical power will be lost.

The book describes the magical properties of more than 50 types of trees and more than 40 types of plants, and gives specific rituals and spells using them.

The book also contains an exact description and addresses “places of power” of the plant world- the most famous Magic Trees, their properties and what specific problems they can help you with. This is invaluable knowledge for vacation planning! Maybe in the place where you are going to go there is such a Magic Tree?

Unique NEW book by Darina "Plant Magic" can be viewed and purchased via this link:

Recording of a private webinar "Plant Energy" can be obtained from the link:

In this webinar you will learn:

  • about the peculiarities of the relationship with the World of Plants,
  • about “plant spirits” -
  • how trees differ from annual herbs and indoor plants (in terms of energy and use)
  • about the correct collection of plant materials,
  • about maintaining energy balance
  • about how to communicate with “pets” - indoor plants
  • why you can’t give “your” plants into the wrong hands
  • about how to use the power of trees
  • about “personal talismans” from the World of Plants

At the webinar we conducted two meditations

  • to connect to Plant Energy
  • to connect to the energy of the “personal tree”

Discount for 48 hours - 50%

People are afraid of nettles. Still would! If you touch her by accident, you will become so angry that it will not take you a long time to recover from her burning anger.

Well, a worthy pupil of the planet Mars, under whose care she is. He also likes to get angry if something doesn’t go his way. True, more often he fights for what is right. So nettles are given stinging abilities for a reason, but to drive away evil spirits from a person and increase his good health.

The magical properties of nettle

Nettle doll

For many years now, nettles have not been removed from my house. It goes with me literally for all occasions. I collect it in early and mid-summer on the young Moon. I cut only mature, strong and healthy bushes.

Follow my advice: if you only need leaves, do not pull out the nettles by the roots! So she loses her connection with the earth and her healing and magical powers go away. Take the root and rhizomes for medicinal purposes from another bush.

And remember: those who are afraid of nettles will not help them. I know that some witches use nettle spells for evil and love spells. Is it dangerous. They are difficult to remove and can only be removed with nettles.

I had such a case. I treated and treated one guy, but all in vain. Until she decided to speak to him with a pillow stuffed with nettles. It began to slowly let go. Then he and I identified the offender, and I sewed a doll, which I also stuffed with nettles. She told the guy to burn it himself. After a couple of days, the spell broke.

Now I sew cloth dolls and fill them with nettles for all my relatives, children and grandchildren. They are very helpful against the evil eye and damage. And if you know exactly who holds a grudge against you, sew such a nettle doll, sign the name, and then bury it in the ground or burn it. By doing this you will help yourself and ease the soul of those who are angry with you.

Who is the enemy

Autumn old nettle will help to recognize the enemy, when it is no longer stinging. Before you start fortune telling, run your hand over the nettle leaves, thinking about something pleasant. If it doesn’t sting, stroke the nettle bush from bottom to top and go through the names of people you suspect of hostility. When you call the name of your enemy, the nettle will burn you.

Healing properties of nettle

My grandfather passed on herbal knowledge to me. He treated nettles with special respect. I remember that on the threshold of his house there was always a rug woven from nettles, and in the corners of the rooms there were bundles of nettles hanging all year round. He said that nothing unkind should come to the court. And in the summer he swept the floor with freshly picked nettles - he also swept away all sorts of evil spirits.

I share my grandfather's recipes.

Drive away any illness

If you are suffering from rheumatism, pick young stinging nettles and smack them thoroughly on the sore spots. The same treatment helps with measles, scarlet fever and gout.

Nettle juice

Cut the nettle when it is in full bloom, then soak it in a small amount of water and let it sit for 12 hours. After that, squeeze out the juice using a press. Drink 2 tbsp. l. (can be with honey) 3 times a day.

Nettle juice is especially useful for older people, since the substances contained in it activate the work of all organs and activate the body's defenses. In addition, the juice improves blood quality, increases hemoglobin, normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, helps the heart, treats sore throat, relieves inflammation, heals women's diseases, and stops spontaneous miscarriages.

For hair thickness

Take juice or a very strong decoction of nettles, dilute with alcohol in equal proportions, pour into a dark glass container and place in a dark place for 10 days. Rub the hair roots with the tincture every night. In a week, your hair will become healthy and shiny. Anti-rheumatism Tea mixture: mix nettle (leaves), dandelion (root and leaves), birch (leaves), rose hips (fruits) in a ratio of 4:43:1. Pour boiling water over the mixture at the rate of 2 tsp. with the top of the mixture in 250 ml of water, leave for 15 minutes, strain and drink 1 glass 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 6 weeks.

Vitamin tea

To increase immunity, improve blood quality, and for female diseases accompanied by miscarriages, tea made from nettle rhizomes and leaves helps. 2 tsp. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the top of the mixture, boil for 5 minutes, strain. Drink warm, small sips of 250 ml in the morning and evening for 6-8 weeks.


Before using nettle, be sure to consult your doctor. You should not drink tea and nettle juice, as well as teas with a high content of nettle if the water-salt balance is disturbed in acute heart and kidney failure.

Anisya Tikhonova, herbalist

The prickly, inconspicuous nettle plant has a wide range of magical and beneficial properties. Many people underestimate the power of this plant, considering it a weed. Meanwhile, it has long been used in various rituals and ceremonies.

There was almost always a negative attitude towards nettles. Eg, in Ukraine They believed that nettle was a devilish plant and that it grew in the place where someone died. In Bulgaria They don’t like this plant either - it was believed that if it grew near the house, then trouble awaited. And here South Slavs They used this plant as a talisman - they plugged the cracks of their houses with nettles so that well-being and prosperity would never leave it.

Signs about nettles

  • It is believed that nettle grows in a “bad place”. Where there are dense thickets of this plant there is always negative energy.

  • If you carry a branch of nettle in your pocket, you can protect yourself from the evil eye and damage.
  • If you quilt with nettles a patient with rheumatism, this will relieve pain.
  • Accidentally pricking yourself with nettles is a good omen. This means that she took some of your negative energy and bad mood upon herself.
  • Nettle wreath capable of protecting a house from the evil eye, curses and damage if it is hung on the fence.
  • It is considered a bad omen to find something in nettles.. You can’t pick up a find - it carries negativity. What fell into the nettles, let it remain there.
  • The magical properties of nettle

    Nettle has been used since ancient times as a remedy against evil, enemies and misfortunes. Its sharp spines can cope with almost any negative energy.

    Hang a bouquet of nettles by the front door- she will not let unexpected guests through and will rid everyone entering the room of bad thoughts.

    Nettle is a powerful remedy for cleansing the home of negative energy.. Place several sprigs of nettle in each corner and leave them for a day. This ritual will remove all bad things from your home and cleanse the space. After the expiration date, the nettles should be thrown outside.

    Baths with nettles help preserve beauty and youth. Add a handful of fresh nettle leaves to a water-filled bath and soak in the water for a few minutes. Such procedures will not only preserve health and youth, but also relieve bad mood, anxious thoughts and negative energy.

    Nettle in infusions and teas has a beneficial effect on health: cleanses the body of toxins, activates hematopoiesis, increases hemoglobin levels, stimulates general metabolism, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

    Despite its inconspicuous and unfriendly appearance, nettle is a useful plant with strong cleansing properties. We wish you good luck and don't forget to click and

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Kupala Day is coming soon, will you be collecting herbs? Let's talk about the grass that grows everywhere, and its magical properties have been known to the Slavs since ancient times. On Kupalo day, they certainly collected stinging nettles, cleaned the house and yard with it, and added nettles to fires.

The properties of nettle have been used since ancient times in northern magic and healing, and girls and women know how to use nettle to dye their hair. Here we’ll talk about how the stinging herb, nettle, exhibits magical properties, and how to use it for good.

We collect nettles: in May, to use the protective properties of nettles, as amulets at home, they collect them on Kupalo.

The most powerful, magical properties of nettle are found in mature, but not old, nettles; young nettle leaves were used only for vitamin soups and salads. Adult and old nettles have always been used in magic. In order to destroy the power of evil, an old plant is more suitable.

Nettle has the greatest anti-demonic properties on the young moon. But in order for nettle to help you or someone else in rituals, you must pick it without fear and without anger at the burns. To better preserve its healing properties, it is best to cut nettles with a knife; This plant cannot be uprooted - half of its strength is lost, since it loses connection with the place where it grew.

The popular name for nettle is: stinging nettle, stinging nettle, stinging nettle, goading nettle.

Nettle is used when you need to dramatically change something in yourself, including getting rid of bad habits. The properties of nettle help to remove damage and protect against evil energy and witchcraft.

Nettle: magical properties and use in divination

We know the following ways to use nettle leaves and plant stems:

1. Used in love magic for lapels and love spells.

2. When worn, it gives courage and gives fearlessness.

3. Nettle infusion was used for weakening of the body and impotence.

4. They placed under the soles of the bewitched person’s shoes or boots so that evil spirits could not drag him into the underworld.

5. They used nettle brooms to sweep the floors of an enchanted home to drive out evil spirits from it.

6. The properties of nettle, when fumigated with a sprig or a bunch of dried nettle, remove the evil eye.

7. When bathing in a bath, the properties of nettle remove mild types of damage.

8. Rugs for the hallway were woven from nettles to deprive those entering the house of evil power.

9. Nettle was also used as smoking to drive away evil spirits from the house.

10 Nettle infusion is a potion of youth and beauty. Girls use nettle decoctions for hair to keep their braids thick and manageable.

11. If you apply the blood of a sacrificial animal, or your own, to a freshly cut nettle sprig, and then read a certain spell depending on the desired effect, and then fumigate the room with this sprig, you can cause a quarrel among the residents, complete ruin (if it is a store or a company office), or vice versa, happiness and wealth.

12. A mixture of nettle and salt has a powerful effect against navi.

13.To help with weakening of the body, impotence, you need to put it under the soles of your shoes.

14. To drive out evil spirits, you should sweep the floors with a nettle broom or fumigate the house with it.

15.To scare away random hooligans and rapists, you need to carry it with you.

16. Removing damage. Against the evil eye and damage: sew a cloth doll and stuff it with nettles. If you definitely know the ill-wisher, sign the name, if you know the gender, then sew an uncle or aunt. But this is not so important, the ritual will still work on the enemy. Then you need to burn or bury the doll, this will direct the curse back.

17. Home protection. Always keep dry nettle leaves in your rooms and use them in aromatic and protective pads. In summer, sweep the floor with a fresh nettle broom.

18. On the autumn, old, wise and non-stinging nettle, you can tell fortunes “about the enemy.” Test the nettle first for its pungency: run your hand over it, thinking about pleasant things. If the nettle does not sting, then go through the names and stroke the plant from bottom to top. When you call the name of the enemy, the nettle will burn you.

19. Nettle is used in rituals such as turning away from alcohol in women, from drinking sprees in men, for breaking up quarrels and bankruptcy, and for failure in business.

20. Nettle amulets enhance courage, courage, and honesty.

21. Nettle protects sleep for both small children and adults, takes away night fears, and prevents nightmares.

22. An amulet with a nettle leaf will protect you in battle and bring victory both in war and in business.

In the Northern Fairy Tale shop you can find the following nettles for northern rituals:

Health Benefits of Nettle

Craftsmen have also learned to use the magic nettle herb in their products. To do this, they collect it by hand, dry it in the sun, divide it into fibers, comb it out, and collect it in skeins so that it is convenient to use the fiber. Afterwards, strong amulets are made from nettles or just a tow for those who want to make their own amulet with this herb.

It is better to make a nettle amulet so that it touches the body. Wise people say that a person who carries even a small piece of nettle on himself will be healthy and all illness will bypass him. Nettle protects from navy and from evil spells, which is why amulets with it are so strong.

A nettle thread or bracelet on the right hand will help cure stomach and respiratory diseases. Those who want to conceive and give birth to a healthy child should also wear nettle on their right hand. In addition, nettle on the right hand will have a calming effect.

A bracelet or a string of nettles is worn on the left hand to keep the heart, liver and kidneys healthy. In this case, nettle gives a person renewed blood and a surge of vitality.

The magical properties of nettle

Nettle - enhances Martian (fighting) traits in a person (bravery, courage, initiative, honesty, etc.) Nettle is used when you need to dramatically change something in yourself. Smoking with a nettle sprig removes the evil eye. Bathing in a bath with nettle decoction relieves mild types of damage. Nettle is especially useful for people over 35 years of age. If you apply the blood of a sacrificial animal, or your own, to a freshly cut sprig of nettle, and then read a certain spell depending on the desired effect, and then fumigate the room with this sprig, you can cause a quarrel between residents, complete ruin (if it is a store or a company office), or vice versa , happiness and wealth.

Nettle heals vision, kidneys, liver, improves blood circulation, burns fat.
This burning herb has the property of counteracting evil witchcraft. It was used when the body was weakened and powerless; it was placed under the soles of the shoes or boots of a bewitched person so that evil spirits could not drag him into the underworld. They used nettle brooms to sweep the floors of an enchanted home to drive out evil spirits from it. Rugs for the hallway were woven from nettles to deprive those entering the house of evil power. Nettle was also used as smoking to drive away evil spirits from the house, in the form of infusions and baths to restore a person’s former strength. Nettle was also part of the ancient elixirs of youth and beauty.

And here is what Odo from the city of Mena says about nettles:
When combined with wine, it helps jaundice;
Nettle seed with honey is a remedy for colic;
Drink it often, and it will cure an old cough.
It expels cold from the lungs and bloating.
With honey, its powder helps with these ailments.
Or its juice with wine, if you take it often.
With salt for ulcers, a poultice of nettle leaves is useful,
And it also cleanses contaminated wounds.
The poultice also has power against dog bites.
She replenishes the meat that has fallen off the bone,
Together with vinegar, the ground root will be able to relieve swelling of the spleen,
It also helps with gout,
And with severe ailments that affect our joints,
In these cases, it will help if placed on top or
Boiled in olive oil, you will warm your members with that ointment.
Lungs, chest and pleurisy patients with her seed,
If you take it in combination with honey, and if
Drink with honey water, it removes urine in abundance.
If you apply the juice of nettle seeds,
As Galen says, hair loss will stop.
Sometimes taken from the harvest and dried nettle seed
Will be a useful medicine in many different cases

Nettle for the heart.
This simple medicine is easy to prepare. It is used for heart pain. Finely chopped bunch of nettles (dry or fresh), weighing 100g, pour 0.5l. cold water. Let it brew for half an hour, then boil for 10 minutes and strain. Drink half a glass of the decoction a day 15 minutes before meals, four times a day. Drink for five days, then a break for three days, another five days and again a break for three days, the third time drink for five days. This is a course of treatment. If pain occurs, repeat the course.

Nettle seed extract is an antidote for mushroom poisoning. Stinging nettle cares for fine hair. Adds fluffiness and volume. Prevents hair from getting greasy. Strengthens roots. Strengthens hair growth. Used for baldness.
An aqueous infusion of nettle leaves (1 spoon of dry leaves per 1 glass of boiling water) is used for hair loss and dandruff.
Fresh nettle juice is rubbed into the scalp to strengthen and grow hair. For the same purpose, rinse your hair with an infusion of nettle leaves after each wash: 3 tablespoons of dry crushed raw materials are infused in 1 glass of boiling water for 30 minutes and filtered.
To strengthen and enhance hair growth, it is enough to take a decoction of nettle herb: 2-3 tablespoons of dry or 0.5 kg of fresh leaves are poured with 2-3 glasses of boiling water, cooled and allowed to brew for 6-8 hours. The broth is filtered and used to wipe the skin. Use a cotton swab or soft cloth, rubbing with gentle pressing movements along the hair to avoid tearing out and damaging the root bulbs.

Nettle is also used for cosmetic purposes. A mask is prepared from fresh, washed and slightly dried leaves, which helps eliminate wrinkles and makes the skin soft and velvety. Add a tablespoon of honey to 50g of leaves crushed in a meat grinder, mix and apply a thin layer on the face, neck, covering with a napkin or towel. Leave for 25-30 minutes. After this, the mask is washed off with warm boiled water and the skin is lightly lubricated with nourishing cream. 10-12 masks in spring and autumn will ensure excellent skin condition throughout the year.

The main properties of nettle: protection against evil spirits, their expulsion.
Special Use: Stuff a small cloth doll or figurine of a person with nettles to remove a curse and send it back to the ill-wisher. Write the person's name on the doll and then bury it or burn it. To protect against evil forces, scatter nettle leaves around the room or add them to a protective bag with dry herbs. Burn nettles during an exorcism ritual.
This burning herb has the property of counteracting evil witchcraft. It was used when the body was weakened and powerless; it was placed under the soles of shoes or boots of a bewitched person so that evil spirits could not drag him into the underworld. They used nettle brooms to sweep the floors of an enchanted home to drive out evil spirits from it. Rugs for the hallway were woven from nettles to deprive those entering the house of evil power. Nettle was also used as smoking to drive away evil spirits from the house, in the form of infusions and baths to restore a person’s former strength. Nettle was also part of the ancient elixirs of youth and beauty.

Adult and old nettles have always been used in magic. In order to destroy the power of evil, an old plant is more suitable. Nettle has the greatest anti-demonic power on the young Moon. But in order for it to help you or someone with your hands, you must tear it without fear and without anger at the burns. Nettle by nature is a warrior plant; it does not like cowards and aggressors. If such people pick it, the plant begins to drive burning (almost poisonous) juice through the leaves, and loses 70 percent of its healing properties. They pick nettles with their bare hands for special purposes. To better preserve its healing properties, it is best to cut the nettle with a knife; This plant cannot be uprooted - half of its strength is lost, since it loses connection with the place where it grew.
They say that autumn nettles can name the enemy who is plotting against you. To do this, in late autumn you need to find thickets of nettles that have lost their summer “anger” and think about who exactly might wish you harm, running your unprotected palm along the nettle stems from bottom to top. When you call the name of the enemy, your hand will burn. A prerequisite for the experiment should be a preliminary “check” of the nettle. Force yourself to think about something pleasant, at worst, hum some song to yourself. If, while sorting through the nettles, you do not feel a burn, it means that the bush is already so wise and calm that it can give advice.
Nettle is a good talisman for all Aries and Scorpios. If you carry a bag of spring nettles with you, it will be difficult to take you by surprise. In addition, nettle is a friend of women; it discourages random bullies or rapists from getting involved with those under its protection.
Nettle is used in love magic for lapels and love spells. Removes damage, protects against evil energy and witchcraft. When worn, it gives courage and fearlessness.
Nettle protects against negative energy.

Nettles can be harvested in the fall. Then it needs to be dried, then soaked for a long time, dried again in order to finally obtain that very trust (as dried and peeled stems of fibrous plants are usually called), from which spinning fibers are extracted. And if you collect nettles in winter and in the first half of spring, then you will have an almost ready-made trust: nature itself - biting rains, dew, frost, fogs and winter thaws - has worked for you...
Nettle stems brought from the wasteland should be thoroughly dried, laid out on the stove or next to the central heating radiator. Then remove small branches and dried leaves. To check the quality of the resulting trust, it is kneaded with fingers and broken in several places. The finished trust should break in your hands with a slight crack, and the fibers should separate from the woody parts of the stem.
This is what the trust collected in the spring looks like

The trusts begin processing by kneading it in special mills. The quality of the yarn depends on how conscientiously the stems are kneaded. If you don’t crush it with a hammer, you can’t take it with a spinning wheel, a peasant saying warned. You can make a milling machine, or crusher, for processing a small amount of trust at home - it consists of four parts. Two boards with saddle-shaped cutouts are attached to a wooden base 20 mm thick with screws. On the inside, in the cutout areas, each of the planks is beveled at an angle of 45 degrees. The lever, or beater, is slightly sharpened from below and attached to the beater with a bolt. In turn, the base of the mill is reinforced with screws on a bench or some other stable support. At one time, you can knead only one handful of trusts on the grinder, that is, as much as can fit in your hand. They begin to crush
trust from one of the ends, placing it in the saddle-shaped cutout with the lever raised. After each pressing and subsequent lifting, the trust is slightly turned and moved forward a little. This is done until a handful of trusts is completely crushed.
Kneading trusts is more efficient if instead of a mill you use homemade two-shaft or three-shaft mills. Although you can work on them alone, two people are still more convenient and faster. One places the trust between the shafts, the other turns the handle and accepts the crushed stems, called the weight.

To remove the bonfire - wooden parts of the stem broken into small pieces - from the crushed trust, it is crushed with a special scythe (or scythe), shaped like a large wooden knife, or mower. Trepals are cut from hard wood of oak, maple and birch. Applying frequent sharp blows with a scissor, you can knock out the fire stuck in the fibers as cleanly as possible. Then they place the weight on the stump and carefully pierce it. Usually, after such treatment, the remaining particles of the bonfire are easily peeled off. All that remains is to shake them out by hitting a bunch of them against a round wooden stick or the edge of a bench.

It is especially difficult to separate from the mass the substances located between the fibers in the upper layer of the stem. They can be completely destroyed and removed by sniffing.

To understand the essence of this technique, you need to pick up a small bunch of crushed and frayed nettles and, squeezing them tightly with your fingers, rub them together. Usually, tiny dust particles immediately begin to separate from them and fall down. The fibers freed from them become clean and silky. If you have to process a significant amount of weight, then it is more convenient to hold its bundles not with your hands, but with special tongs. The tongs consist of two birch planks connected by a strip of sheet steel. When sniffing, one end of the beam can be clamped in the muffin with a lever-beater. However, it is much more convenient to use a special clamp with an eccentric roller for these purposes. Moreover, such a clamp will be needed at the next stage of fiber processing - carding. The fixed fibers are grabbed with forceps next to the clamp. Sniffing around section by section, they gradually move from one end to the other. In the next step, the bundle of fibers is turned over and secured in the clamp at the other end. Now all that remains is to treat the end released from the clamp with tongs and proceed to carding the fibers.

The fibers prepared for carding are called slivers. Nettle, as well as hemp, fibers consist of long, medium and short fibers. The longer the fibers, the thinner and longer the yarn. To separate long fibers from medium and short ones, in the old days large maple combs mounted on stands were used. But especially long and clean fibers were obtained after repeated carding with so-called squeegees - small combs and brushes made from pork bristles.

The process of combing and smoothing the sliver, or lobes, was called mooing. It required a lot of patience and perseverance: it was necessary to carefully comb and smooth out literally every strand
fibers This is where the well-known expressions “to poke around”, “to grieve” and the like came from. Nettle fibers fixed in a clamp can be combed with ordinary metal and plastic
commercially available combs. Before you start scratching, carefully place one strand next to another. They start scratching from the free end, gradually moving towards the clamp. At the same time, short, fibrous hairs remain on the comb—rake them out. Medium-length fibers combed out with hair brushes were called combs, and the remaining long fibers were called tow.
Fabric obtained from tow threads was used for sundresses, shirts, tablecloths, towels, bed linen and other finely woven products. From the raspberry and paches (otherwise known as scum and combs) they prepared yarn for coarse cloth - vatolu, from which they sewed blankets, bags, all kinds of bedding and capes for carts. From the same fibers they spun and then wove fabrics with a rare interweaving of threads - ropes and rows, used for household needs. From coarse fibers that were not processed by scrubbing and carding, ropes and ropes were woven and used as tow for laying between the crowns of a log house, as well as for caulking grooves between logs. Canvases woven from tow threads were bleached in dew and snow, and also boiled in lye - a decoction of wood ash. Ropes, twines, burlap and other similar products from izgreb and paches were sometimes soaked for a day in a decoction of oak bark to increase strength and resistance against putrefactive microbes. Sometimes fibers soaked in oak broth were dyed black. To do this, ropes and burlap were dipped into rusty water or a solution of iron sulfate. These ancient methods of bleaching and dyeing can be successfully used today along with modern ones.

To treat with nettle, you can use a simpler method.
Take two layers of cotton fabric. Dried nettles are sewn onto one layer of fabric. And you can use this cape after a steam bath. Those. after the body was cleansed, the pores opened. It is good to do a tapping massage through this cape. Then put on a warm sweater or blanket on top of the cape. And two hours. As a result, colds and diseases recede.