Persistent prayer by agreement. Igor Makshin What does the icon of the holy martyr Valentine mean?

Holy Martyr Valentine

What does the name Valentina mean?
Translated from Latin, the name Valentina means “strong.”
Dates of Valentine's name day, dates of the Angel's day. (dates of name days according to the old style are indicated in brackets) January 8 (December 26) - Martyr Valentina (and Hieromartyr Andrei, Bishop of Ufa; † 1937).

July 29 (16) - Martyr Valentina (also known under the name Alevtina). What does the prefix to the name of a saint mean: “saint”, “venerable” and others? Read about the saints and their ranks A short prayer to Saint Valentine for every day Pray to God for me, holy saint of God Valentine, as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul.
Information about this martyr is very scarce and few in number. It is known that she suffered for the faith of Christ in Palestine in 308 under Maximian II Galerius.

The Holy Martyr Valentina came from the city of Caesarea. Nowadays there are only ruins on the site of this city, but during the reign of Emperor Maximian it was one of the largest and most magnificent cities in the Mediterranean.

Saint Valentine received her martyrdom from Firmilian, the ruler of the Palestinian region.

She was a pious girl and a deeply religious Christian. She was brought to trial before Firmilian, on charges of disrespect for the pagan gods. The ruler immediately ordered her to make a sacrifice to idols and for this purpose ordered her to be taken to a pagan temple located not far from the judgment seat. But, being brought to the temple, Valentina, instead of making a sacrifice to the idols, had the courage to throw a stone into the blazing fire of the altar and turn her back on it. Then Firmilian, enraged by her insolence and disobedience, ordered her to be mercilessly beaten in the ribs, and then beheaded with a sword. Despite the fact that Saint Valentine was sentenced to various torments and shameful execution, she, with the assistance of the Grace of Christ, endured her torment with great courage and offered thanks to God before execution, so that then, humbly bowing under the sword, she would surrender her spirit into His hands.

In those ancient times, wicked people served idols, and many even worshiped the creation and work of their own hands, but among them the faith of many Christian saints, including St. Valentine, shone through. She, moving away from all evil, lived her short life meekly and righteously, pleasing to God and immaculately. Frequent persecutions were brought against the Church of Christ, and many of the righteous, having endured suffering, were awarded the crown of martyrdom.

Saint Valentine is an example of meekness and piety, and at the same time, selfless courage, the kind with which Christians should defend their faith. She, not being afraid of pain and death, did not turn away from the loving and merciful Lord, did not deviate from the true path. And today, being in Heaven, Saint Valentine is called upon to help everyone who is tortured for their faith, as well as those led into doubt.

“Pray to God for me, holy saint of God Valentina, as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul.” This is a prayer to the patron saint Valentine for every day. According to the Orthodox Christian tradition, name days should be spent in church to pray to your patron saint. This name is translated from Latin as “strong, strong, healthy.” The name day of Valentina, or, in other words, people with this name, is revered by the Orthodox Church in memory of the martyr Valentina (Alevtina) of Caesarea (Palestine), executed in 308 AD.

Holy holiday

According to the church calendar, Valentine's name day is celebrated on February 23 (10). On this day they commemorate the martyr who led a pious life, helped the poor and professed the Christian faith. To celebrate Valentina’s name day with dignity, you need to at least know the life story of the patron saint of this name. There are several of them.

Here is one of them. Saint Valentine lived at the end of the 3rd century AD. Most information about her martyrdom has reached our time. In those days, the land of Palestine was ruled by Firmilian, who had terrible intolerance towards Christian teachings and those who preached them. At that time, in Caesarea, as in other places, government officials were usually called procurators.

History of the Holy Virgin Martyrs

The holy virgin martyrs Valentina, Hennath and Paul suffered martyrdom during the reign of Emperor Maximian II Galeria (305-311 AD). Saint Valentine came from Caesarea in Palestine, Saint Hennatha was from Gaza (southern Palestine), Saint Paul was from the area around Caesarea.

The first to be brought to the procurator Firmilian was Saint Hennatha, who declared herself a Christian. She was severely beaten, tied to a pole and her whole body was slashed with blood. The second was brought to Saint Valentine, who did not want to worship the pagan gods, and then it was ordered to take her to the temple to the pagan idols so that she could make a sacrifice. But instead, she threw a stone at the fire altar and turned her back to it.

The enraged Firmilian forced his soldiers to beat her mercilessly in the ribs, and then ordered both her and Saint Hennathia’s heads to be cut off.

The third was cruelly tortured Saint Paul, who, having prayed to God and bowed before the Christians present, also bowed her head under the sword.

This whole terrible story happened in 23,308 AD. Now on this day they celebrate the name day of Valentina, the martyr of Caesarea. And the icon “Martyr Valentine” now helps all those suffering who turn to her for help.

Valentine's Day, Orthodox women's name day

They pray to Saint Valentine that she intercede before the Lord Himself for those praying, who usually ask for God's mercy, forgiveness and grace, strengthening faith, piety and love.

On Valentine's Day, according to the church calendar, Orthodox Christians pray with deep respect to this saint and also ask her for deliverance from false prophets and false teachings, so that she would preserve their lives in piety and protect their souls and thoughts from temptations.

Valentin. Orthodox men's name day

The female name Valentina comes from the male name Valentin. Saints with this name fought to the end for their Christian faith.

One of them is Valentin Dorostolsky, who suffered martyrdom in 288 AD. His memorial day is celebrated on May 7 (April 24).

He was only 30 years old, he was a warrior under the ruler Avsolan and came from the Moesian city of Dorostol. At that time there were terrible persecutions of Christians. But he openly confessed his faith in Christ, for which he suffered.

Icon of St. Valentine of Dorostol

The Holy Martyr Valentin Dorostolsky is revered as a warrior of Christ, who will always protect from apostates and will guard the well-being of true believers. heavenly patron will help strengthen health and the spirit of faith. Thanks to this holy icon, you can gain confidence and get rid of fears and depression.

On the name day of Valentine or Valentine, the martyrs are always honored in prayer, who glorified the name of the Lord and with his name on their lips accepted their terrible death.

And here it is necessary to remember about the Hieromartyr Valentin, Bishop of Interamna - the patron saint of pharmacists. His memorial day is celebrated on July 30 (August 12).

Valentin the Roman

Valentin the Roman was a holy martyr presbyter who lived under Emperor Claudius II, who cruelly persecuted Christians. This Roman physician and priest helped wounded and sick Christians. For this he was sent to prison. The prison guard Asterius secretly asked the saint to heal his stepdaughter, who had lost her sight. When the girl was brought, the holy elder healed her with his prayer. Then the entire Asteria family was baptized. Having learned about this, the ruler executed Saint Valentine.

As we see, there were not so many saints under the name Valentin in the Orthodox Church, but all of them kept their faith in Jesus Christ to the last.

Patron of lovers

Some people celebrate Valentine's name day on February 14th. As studies have shown, the image of St. Valentine's Day arose only because of the numerous legends around this name, and all this thanks to the romantic literature of the Middle Ages, and not to those martyrs who died for the faith at the dawn of Christianity.

This holiday is also not in the Catholic calendar, since on this day they celebrate the day of remembrance and Methodius. Many people with this name like to celebrate Valentine's Day (name day or angel's day) on February 14, but this is wrong. Still, it is better to be literate in such matters, so as not to anger God once again.

The Holy Martyr Alevtina, also known as Valentina, was canonized in the first centuries of the spread of the Christian faith. She was an ordinary but deeply religious woman who abandoned pagan gods and found peace and tranquility in prayers to the true God. The icon of Saint Alevtina is found in many Orthodox churches.

The worldly path of the martyr

In the biographies of the holy martyrs, only a small mention of Alevtina has been preserved. This was a young woman who lived in the territory of Egypt conquered by the Romans around the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 4th century AD. e. In those days, the province of Egypt was ruled by procurators appointed from Rome itself; they often had greater power than the emperor himself and therefore could commit any atrocities in the territories subordinate to them. Alevtina's life occurred during the reign of the Roman emperor Maximin II Galerius (305-313).

Holy Martyr Alevtina (Valentina)

This emperor was known for his cruelty and tireless attempts to eradicate Christian teaching throughout the Roman Empire. Christians were subjected to all kinds of torture and abuse. It was in those days that the idea of ​​giving the disobedient to be torn to pieces by beasts first arose. Those who refused to worship pagan monuments and make sacrifices faced grueling work in the quarries, years of imprisonment and death.

Alevtina was one of those who could not go against her faith. According to one version, she, her sister Chionia and the martyr Paul were brought to Caesarea in Palestine, where they were tortured. Both sisters retained their faith and were burned at the stake as unrepentant criminals; the martyr Paul died by the sword. This event took place around 308 AD. e.

According to another version, Alevtina and her friends in misfortune, Paul and Yennath, were caught and convicted as preaching the Christian faith. Women were placed in quarries. The pagans did not lose hope of returning the wicked who had renounced the gods under the protection of Mars, Jupiter and Venus.

In this regard, Christian women were asked to renounce their faith, in return they were promised freedom and life. Hennatha was the first to be called in for questioning. The woman refused to renounce her faith, for which she was severely punished. Her body was tortured with whips and then left to be torn to pieces by the crowd.

Alevtina's fate was even more unenviable; the martyr was brought to a pagan temple, where she had to make sacrifices to the gods. But instead of following the order of her tormentors, Alevtina turned her back to the sacrificial altar and threw a stone at it. The woman was beaten and then executed. The same fate befell the martyr Paul, who also refused to worship the pagan gods. On February 23 (10), 308, the heads of the martyrs were cut off.

What is shown?

Saint Alevtina of Caesarea is depicted in Orthodox iconography as a woman with somewhat emaciated features. Her head is covered with a light veil, she herself is dressed in orange, sometimes dark red robes. In her right hand she clutches a cross, her left hand is hidden under her robe.

The martyr Alevtina has long been known as the intercessor of women with the names Valentina and Alevtina. Everyone who needs help and support in family or work matters turns to the icon of the martyr. The day of celebration is July 29 (16). It is on this day that you need to come to church and, standing at the icon of Alevtina, ask for her blessing on everything that worries the human heart.

Martyr Alevtina (Valentina) of Caesarea (Palestinian)

The Orthodox Church honors the memory of Saint Alevtina on July 16, old style / July 29, new style

Very little is known about Saint Alevtina (Valentina) of Caesarea, as well as about many other Christian martyrs who suffered for the faith in the first centuries.

We know her name and the name of her sister Chionia, from whom they were not separated until her death. The women were born and lived in Egypt, and died in the Palestinian city of Caesarea. This happened during the reign of the Roman Emperor Maximian. What can a woman of our time named Alevtina or Valentina glean from this information to better know about her patron saint? It turns out, not so little.
The world in which Saint Alevtina (Valentina) lived was not friendly. Ordinary residents of villages and cities treated Christians with distrust. They considered the followers of Christ to be atheists who commit the most terrible things, including murder and incest.

It takes a lot of courage for a person to stand out from the crowd. Apart from this, Saint Alevtina was an intelligent woman. Only outstanding people with a special disposition of soul are able to accept a new teaching and, having judged its fidelity, strictly follow it.

We can assume that love for Christ helped the woman to be faithful to her chosen path and not to be afraid of anything. After all, Saint Alevtina certainly knew about what was happening in the empire. In historical science, the years from 303 to 313 were called the Great Persecution of Christians. During this time, about 3000-3500 people were killed. The decree on the beginning of persecution was issued by Emperor Diocletian; he demanded the execution of everyone who refused to participate in pagan sacrifices. The Roman Emperor Maximian continued his policy, especially fiercely fighting Christians in Africa.

Saint Alevtina and her sister were captured in Egypt and taken to Caesarea. Presenting themselves before the ruler, they boldly confessed the faith of Christ. Having endured terrible torment, they died, preserving its purity.

How to pray to Saint Alevtina:

A short prayer to Saint Alevtina, Aleftina for every day

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Alevtina, as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul.

In this part of the prayer rule it is also good to include a troparion to your holy intercessor, which should be known and understood.

Troparion to the Holy Martyr Alevtina:

Thy Lamb, Jesus, Alevtina calls with a great voice: I love Thee, my Bridegroom, and seeking Thee I suffer and am crucified, and I am buried in Thy baptism, and I suffer for Thy sake, that I may reign in Thee, and that I die for Thee, that I may live with Thee ; but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, offering myself to You with love. Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.


We magnify you, passion-bearer of Christ Alevtina, and honor your honest suffering, which you endured for Christ.

The holy martyr Valentina accepted martyrdom from Firmilian, the ruler of the Palestinian region, for her confession of the Christian faith. Saint Valentine came from the vicinity of the city of Caesarea, a large city in Palestine, on the Mediterranean Sea, where the Roman procurators, representatives of the Roman imperial power, resided. Currently, on the site of Caesarea there are only ruins covered with wild plants. St. Valentine was a girl and her physical beauty was combined with spiritual beauty. Accused of disrespect for the pagan gods, Saint Valentine was brought to trial before Firmilian, who ordered her to sacrifice to idols. For this purpose, she was taken to a pagan temple that stood not far from the judgment seat. But when the saint was brought to the temple, instead of making a sacrifice to the idols, she boldly threw a stone on the altar and turned her back to the fire that was blazing on it. Then Firmilian became furious and ordered her to be mercilessly beaten in the ribs, and then sentenced her to be beheaded with a sword. Despite the fact that Saint Valentine was sentenced to various torments and shameful execution, she, with the assistance of the Grace of Christ, endured her torment with great courage and offered thanks to God before execution, so that then, humbly bowing under the sword, she would surrender her spirit into His hands. The holy martyr Valentine suffered under Maximian II Galerius in 308.
The Holy Martyr Valentine is an example of meekness and piety, and at the same time, selfless courage, the kind with which Christians should defend their faith. She, not being afraid of pain and death, did not turn away from the loving and merciful Lord, did not deviate from the true path. And today, being in Heaven, Saint Valentine is called upon to help everyone who is tortured for their faith, as well as those led into doubt.

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Valentine.
Oh, long-suffering and wise martyr of Christ Valentino! Now, in honor of your holy memory, we, sinners and unworthy ones, diligently run to you and pray with the tenderness of our hearts. You loved our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ more than all earthly blessings, and you faithfully followed Him through all your life, nourishing your soul with Divine grace. Ask us also from Christ God for the grace that enlightens us, so that we may be overshadowed by it in faith and piety, and in the labors of chastity and love we will succeed and serve Christ in His neighbors by sweating without laziness. Pray to Christ the Savior that we may also be vouchsafed to complete our earthly journey in this time without stumbling, and to end our life in peace and repentance, so that having lived on earth, we will be vouchsafed eternal and blessed life in heaven, and there together with you and with all the saints we will praise The Trinity is Consubstantial and indivisible, and let us sing the One Divinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.
Troparion, ch. 8
You loved your bridegroom Christ sweetly, holy martyr Valentino, and you followed Him with the wise virgins, having contemplated all the beauties of the world. In the same way, Christ grants you an incorruptible crown, pray to Him for the salvation of our souls.
Kontakion, ch. 4
In your suffering you did not abandon Christ, and after your death you remained with Him forever. By faith we come running to your Divine Church and triumphantly remember your memory, we pray to you, holy martyr Valentino, that we may be delivered from mental and physical ailments through your wonderful intercession.
Troparion, ch. 4
Your Lamb, Jesus, Valentino calls with a great voice: I love You, my Bridegroom, and, seeking You, I suffer, and I am crucified, and I am buried in Your baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, for I reign in You, and I die for You, and I live with You. But, as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, who have offered myself to You with love. With your prayers, as if you are merciful, save our souls.
Kontakion, ch. 2
Your all-honorable temple, as if you have found spiritual healing, all the faithful cry out loudly to you: virgin martyr Valentino, great eminent one, pray to Christ God unceasingly for all of us.

We magnify you, passion-bearer of Christ Valentino, and honor your honest suffering, which you endured for Christ.