Why do you dream about predicting death? What does a person dream about before death? Dreams predicting death

Unfortunately, few people know how to interpret dreams. This task is quite difficult, and is only possible if the basic details of night vision are memorized. However, it is quite possible to learn this. By visiting our Center, you can get specific information on how to correctly interpret dreams. Also, with the help of a traditional healer, you can get rid of many problems, the presence of which interferes with a normal life: damage, the evil eye, a curse, the crown of celibacy and others.

Predictions in a dream

How often do people dream of predictions? According to many esotericists and psychics, quite often. Some people just don't listen to their dreams. And if you turn to the dream book, then even the most unusual dream will always have its own explanation. As a rule, the strange things we see in our dreams seem completely natural to us. But when we wake up, we are surprised and begin to wonder what such a dream could mean.

Why do you have dreams about the future? This question is difficult to answer unambiguously. A prophetic dream can occur without any reason, and present a plot from the future, to which, perhaps, a person will not attach any significance. In some cases, a prediction can show some important moment in life, suggesting what decision to make or avoid undesirable consequences.

The essence of the mechanism by which people have prophetic dreams remains a mystery. But the fact that such dreams are really real and very often help a person make the right decision in a difficult situation is a fact. Therefore, it makes sense to be careful about your night visions. It is likely that this is one of the ways to change your life for the better.

Prophetic dreams

Dream solving is a kind of intuitive forecast that does not require the gift of clairvoyance. Anyone who dreams can do it. A prophecy in a dream is vivid pictures that are different from other dreams and are not forgotten immediately after a person wakes up.

In order to determine what awaits a person in the future, there is no need to decipher the meaning of each dreamed object. You just need to determine which category night visions can be classified into. The most common prophetic dreams are:

The beginning of a new stage in life is foreshadowed by dreams of death.
A person who has a dream related to birth may soon surprise himself and those around him.
Erotic and sexual dreams are harbingers of apathy. Such a person needs rest.
A dream in which there is deception suggests that an unpleasant situation will soon happen, which the person did not want to believe in and turned a blind eye to.
A find in a dream foreshadows some kind of acquisition. It doesn't have to be something material. Perhaps we are talking about friendship or love.
A vision in which a person feels like a forced person suggests that he will soon get rid of some unpleasant burden.
If you dream of successfully passing an exam, then this is interpreted to mean that in real life a person is deprived of recognition; he wants to return to the past, where he felt needed and in demand.

Among the many types of damage, one of the most painful for the victim is sleep damage. A person to whom this kind of negative energy is directed suffers from insomnia or constantly has nightmares. As a result, he feels depressed and tired the entire next day.

To remove such damage, you will need the help of a good psychic. Moreover, before contacting him, it is advisable to communicate with those whom he has already helped in similar situations, or read their reviews on the website.

Time for prophetic dreams

The question of why prophetic dreams occur has not yet been fully studied. However, such dreams can be divided into three groups. The first includes dreams associated with everyday worries and problems. A person who cannot solve a question for a long time in reality suddenly sees the answer clearly and clearly in his dream. For example, an artist can see his future painting, a poet can see a suitable rhyme for an unfinished poem, and an engineer will receive a ready-made idea that could not have occurred to him during the day.

The explanation for such dreams is simple: in the bustle of the day, human consciousness is overloaded and is constantly distracted by other issues. However, subconsciously a person does not stop thinking about the issue that worries him. The brain rests during sleep, but does not stop working completely and, out of inertia, tries to solve such an important problem. Complete silence allows an idea to arise that was not born during the day due to the bustle and noise. And this is not clairvoyance - it’s just that the brain, which, as is known, is used by a person only 10%, gives such a surprise during sleep.

The second group includes dreams that are prophetic thanks to the great desire of a person who, having seen a good dream, tries to make it come true. For example, a girl dreaming of marriage saw in her dream how her beloved man proposed to her. Believing that the dream is prophetic, a girl can push her chosen one to take an important step in his life.

The third group combines dreams associated with clairvoyance. As a rule, they can be dreamed of by a person who has a subtle emotional sphere. People who have such abilities have different explanations for such a gift. Some claim the ability to travel between the future and the past. Others claim that deceased relatives help them see the future. Still others use various conspiracies to see a prophetic dream.

Many people have the gift of clairvoyance. To develop it and learn to use it correctly, you need the help of a good specialist. You can find out other interesting information by watching the video on our website.

How to see the future in a dream

Dreams help many people understand some important life issues. The future, which is unknown to each of us, can open its doors to a sleeping person. To do this, before going to bed, you need to think about those events that are the most important in recent days. The most important question you want answered must be clearly formulated and asked to yourself.

Lying in bed, you need to relax and try to forget about all your problems. Breathing should be calm and deep. Imagine that with each subsequent exhalation, tension is released from the entire body, starting with the heels and ending with the head. You should feel a pleasant warmth in your body.

Since the emergence of dreams occurs in the area of ​​the base of the back of the head, then you need to shift your attention there. Having remembered your question to which you need to find an answer, you should focus for a few seconds on the sensations that are associated with the problem. Before going to bed, you need to mentally repeat the words: “Soon I will fall asleep and figure out how to solve my problem.” This is how you can program a prophetic dream.

Many people are sure that dreams play a very important role in human life. But you shouldn’t be upset if you had a bad dream. Remember that it can only be a warning. Think about what possible troubles may be associated with, and try to protect yourself from them. In addition, it is not at all necessary that the event you saw in a dream will definitely come true. Therefore, be optimistic and may you only have pleasant dreams!

What are dreams? Saint Gregory of Nyssa writes that they are “certain ghosts of mental activity,” which “are created by chance by that soul that is unreasonable.” This is evident from the fact that “the one who dreams in a dream often imagines the inappropriate and impossible, which would not have happened if the soul were then controlled by reason and reflection. But... certain semblances of what was in reality and echoes of what was produced by feeling and thought, which are only imprinted in it by the remembering power of the soul, are again depicted.”

Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) described this in detail: “During human sleep, the state of a sleeping person is arranged by God in such a way that the whole person is in complete rest. This rest is so complete that during it a person loses consciousness of his existence and comes into self-forgetfulness. During sleep, all activity associated with labor and performed voluntarily under the control of the mind and will ceases: that activity remains that is necessary for existence and cannot be separated from it. In the body, the blood continues its movement, the stomach cooks food, the lungs send out breath, the skin allows perspiration; thoughts, dreams and feelings continue to multiply in the soul, but not depending on reason and arbitrariness, but according to the unconscious action of nature. From such dreams, accompanied by characteristic thinking and sensations, a dream is made up... Sometimes a dream bears the incoherent imprint of arbitrary thoughts and daydreams, and sometimes it is a consequence of a moral mood.”

At the same time, according to the testimony of Blessed Augustine, “the soul, even in sleep, does not lose the ability to feel or understand. For even then she has before her eyes images of sensory objects, and often they cannot even be distinguished from those objects of which they are images; and if the soul at the same time comprehends something, then it is equally true for both the sleeping and the waking one. For example, if someone in a dream sees himself reasoning and in a competition asserts something on the basis of true provisions, then these provisions will remain just as true upon awakening, although everything else turns out to be false, for example, the place where, as he dreamed, , he conducted his reasoning, the person with whom they were conducted, and the like, which, however, often passes without a trace and is forgotten even by those who are awake.”

Saint Gregory points out that the nature of dreams is also influenced by the state of the body: “So, to a thirsty person it seems that he is at the springs; and to one in need of food - that he is at a feast; and a young man in the prime of his life dreams in accordance with his passion and age,” and the influence of illnesses: “Those with an upset stomach have other sleepy visions; others - in people with damaged meninges; others – in patients with fever.” And the moral character of the sleeper also influences: “Some dreams are for a courageous person, and others are for a fearful person; some dreams are for the intemperate, and others for the chaste... What the soul is accustomed to think about in reality, it creates images of it in dreams.”

The Monk Simeon the New Theologian says that the nature of dreams is influenced by a person’s way of thinking and activities: “What the soul is busy with and what it talks about in reality, it dreams or philosophizes about in its sleep; or, having spent the whole day worrying about human affairs, she fusses about them in dreams; or, having studied all the time in divine and heavenly things, he enters into vision of them during sleep and becomes wise with visions, according to the prophet: “Your young men will see visions” (Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17). And he is not deceived by false dreams, but sees the true in dreams and is taught by revelations.”

Saint Gregory the Dvoeslov explains in detail what types of sources of dreams there are: “Sometimes dreams are born from the fullness of the stomach, sometimes from its emptiness, sometimes from delusion (diabolical), sometimes from reflection and obsession together, sometimes from revelation, sometimes from reflection and revelation together. We know the dreams of the first two births from experience; and we find examples of dreams of the other four kinds in the books of Holy Scripture. If dreams did not often occur from the obsession of a secret enemy, then the wise man would never have indicated this with the words: “Dreams led many astray, and those who hoped in them fell” (Sir. 35: 7). Also: “Do not cast spells, do not guess from dreams” (Lev. 19:26). These words clearly show that dreams that are connected with fortune-telling should be averted. Again, if dreams did not sometimes occur from reflection and delusion together, then the wise man would not have said: “Drowning comes with much care” (Eccl. 5:2). If dreams were not sometimes born from secret revelations, then... the angel would not have inspired Mary’s betrothed in a dream to flee to Egypt, taking the Baby (see: Matt. 2). Again... [when] the prophet Daniel, discussing the dream of Nebuchadnezzar (see: Dan. 2: 29), reverently examines the dream and its meaning and explains from what reflection it came, he clearly shows that dreams very often come from reflection and revelations together. But if dreams are distinguished by such heterogeneity, then, obviously, the less one should believe them, the more difficult it is to understand from what source they come. However, holy men in obsessions and revelations, with some inner feeling, distinguish the very voice and image of the visions, so that they recognize what they perceive from a good spirit and what they suffer from the obsession of the devil. If the mind is not careful in relation to dreams, then through the seducing spirit it will fall into many dreams: it has the habit of predicting many things that are true, in order to later entangle the soul with some kind of lie.”

Saint Philaret of Moscow speaks about the same thing: “Dreams are different. They can come from various states of the body, especially the nerves, from the heart, thoughts, imagination, as these are in reality, and, finally, from the influences of the spiritual world: pure, mixed and impure. In order to determine the merit of a dream, a lot of testing is required."

Prophetic dreams

It is worthy of attention how the holy fathers explain the so-called “prophetic dreams” that come true. The Monk John of Damascus speaks about this quite briefly: “The thinking ability includes judgment, approval, the desire for action, as well as aversion and avoidance from it... This same ability acts in dreams, foretelling the future for us.”

St. Gregory of Nyssa describes this “mechanism” in more detail, drawing a difference between such dreams and revelations from God: “Confusing memory and foresight, dormant under some kind of superimposed covers, present [to a person in a dream] similarities to what was bothering him in reality, and often indicate something that comes true. For, due to the subtlety of its nature, the soul has something more than the corporeal plumpness and can discern something else from what really exists... So the cupbearer squeezed a bunch into Pharaoh’s cup, so the baker imagined that he was carrying coffers - what everyone did in reality, he considered himself to be doing the same in a dream. The similarities of his usual activities, imprinted in the providential ability of the soul, provided the opportunity, according to such a prophecy of the mind, to predict what would come true over time... Although everyone has natural sleepy visions, only some, and not all, become partakers of Divine revelation in dreams. And for everyone else, if a certain foreknowledge of something is communicated in dreams, then it happens in the way described above.”

Saint Nicholas of Serbia reports on the signs that the Lord sends to people: “Often the Lord God in a dream gives people a signal not to do what they are planning... Some God-fearing wives suffering from infertility, who earnestly prayed to God to give them a child, were given in a dream signals that their prayers have been heard... It is not so rare that someone in a dream is given a sign that death is near... Examples of dream-signals are numerous even today.”

At the same time, the holy fathers condemned the desire to interpret dreams and tell fortunes from them. The words of St. Gregory the Dvoeslov were already quoted above, recalling God’s commandment not to guess from dreams. Saint Basil the Great also writes with censure: “A dream angers you - you run to a dream interpreter.” Below we will talk in more detail about how, according to the holy fathers, we should relate to dreams.

Ascetic attitude towards dreams

Saint Theophan the Recluse writes: “Historically, it is confirmed that there are dreams from God, some of our own, and some from the enemy. How to find out is beyond your imagination. Peephole peephole. The only thing we can say decisively is that dreams that are contrary to Orthodox Christianity must be rejected. Also: there is no sin in not following dreams when you lack confidence. God’s dreams, which must be fulfilled, were sent repeatedly.”

It is generally accepted that demons often use dreams as weapons against believers. Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) writes: “Demons, having access to our souls while we are awake, also have it during our sleep. And during sleep they tempt us with sin, mixing their dreams into our dreams. Also, having seen in us attention to dreams, they try to make our dreams entertaining, and to arouse in us greater attention to these nonsense, to introduce us little by little into confidence in them.” We read the same thing from the Monk Isaac the Syrian: “Sometimes the enemy, under the guise of revelations from God, unleashes his charms on the environment and shows something to a person in dreams... and does everything to be able to little by little convince a person and at least a few bring him into agreement with himself, so that a person will be delivered into his hands.”

From this it is clear that even simply entertaining, vivid dreams that attract attention can pose a danger if you treat them with unhealthy interest. Therefore, the Monk John Climacus also has instructions on how to behave after sleep, so as not to suffer any harm from a former dream: “During the course of the day, no one should imagine in his mind the dreams that happen in a dream; for this is also the intention of the demons, to defile us who are awake with dreams.”

But St. John also points out several special types of demonic temptations sent to monks through dreams: “When we, for the sake of the Lord, leaving our homes and relatives, give ourselves over to the hermit life out of love for God, then the demons try to outrage us with dreams, presenting us with our relatives or those who mourn, or those who are held in prison for us and suffer other misfortunes. Therefore, whoever believes dreams is like a man who runs after his shadow and tries to grab it.”

“Demons of vanity are prophets in dreams; being sly, they infer the future from circumstances and announce it to us, so that, upon the fulfillment of these visions, we are surprised and, as if already close to the gift of insight, are lifted up in thought. Those who believe the demon, for those he is often a prophet; and whoever despises him always turns out to be a liar before them. As a spirit, he sees what is happening in the air and, noticing, for example, that someone is dying, he predicts this to the gullible through a dream. Demons know nothing about the future by foreknowledge; but it is known that doctors can also predict death for us.”

St. Peter of Damascus speaks about how demons imitate “spiritual” dreams: “Seeing that Christ, in His extreme goodness, condescends to the holy martyrs and reverend fathers, appearing to them either Himself, or through angels, or in some other inexplicable way, as He said ( see: John 14:21), the devil also began to present many deceptions to destruction for some. That is why the prudent fathers wrote that nothing of this kind should be accepted: neither any images, nor light, nor fire, nor any other seduction. For the devil contrives even by this to deceive us in dreams or sensually.”

Blessed Diadochos of Photikis warns of another danger: “When the mind begins to feel the gracious consolation of the Holy Spirit, then Satan also puts his consolation into the soul in a seemingly sweet feeling, during the night’s tranquility, at the moment of some subtle sleep (or falling asleep). If at this time the mind turns out to be holding in the warmest memory the holy name of the Lord Jesus... then this evil deceiver will immediately leave.”

What is the difference between dreams from God and dreams from demons?

Many holy fathers wrote about this issue, pointing out the signs by which one can conclude whether the spiritual dream seen is true or false. It makes sense to quote their statements.

Blessed Diadochos of Photikie: “Dreams that appear through the love of God... do not change from one image to another, do not induce fear, do not excite laughter or sudden sadness, but approach the soul with all calmness and fill it with spiritual joy; why the soul, even after awakening the body, with all lust seeks this joy experienced in a dream. In demonic dreams, everything is contrary to this: they do not remain in the same image and do not show their appearance for a long time without being confused... at the same time, they talk a lot and promise great things, and intimidate even more with threats, often taking on a kind of warriors; sometimes they sing something flattering to the soul with a noisy cry... It happens, however, that good dreams do not bring joy to the soul, but a kind of sweet sadness and a non-painful tear. This happens to those who have already succeeded in great humility."

Venerable John Climacus: “The demons are repeatedly transformed into angels of light and into the image of martyrs and represent to us in a dream that we are coming to them; and when we awaken, they fill us with joy and exaltation. Let this be a sign of delight for you; for the angels show us torment, the Last Judgment and separation, and fill those who awaken with fear and lamentation. If we begin to submit to demons in our dreams, then they will scold us while we are awake. He who believes in dreams is not at all skilled; and whoever has no faith in them is wise. So, believe only those dreams that announce to you torment and judgment; and if they lead you to despair, then they are also from demons.”

The Venerable Barsanuphius the Great answers the question of “how dare the devil, in a vision or dream, show the Lord Christ or the holy communion?”: “He cannot show either the Lord Christ Himself or the holy communion, but he lies and presents an image of some man and simple bread; but he cannot show the holy cross, because he does not find a way to depict it in any other way... the devil does not dare to use it (to deceive us), for on the cross its power is destroyed and a deadly wound is inflicted on it by the cross... So, when you see the image of the cross in a dream, know that this dream is true and from God; but try to get an interpretation of its meaning from the saints and do not believe your own thoughts.”

Venerable Ambrose of Optina: “These dreams, perhaps, are not true, but from a sham side, because from true visions there is peace and spiritual benefit, but from these dreams followed general confusion. Therefore, I advise you not to trust these dreams, but to leave them without a decision and pray that the Lord and the Queen of Heaven will arrange something beneficial for you, as They please.”

Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov): “Dreams sent by God carry in themselves an irresistible conviction. This conviction is understandable to the saints of God and incomprehensible to those who are still struggling with passions.”

The same saint adds: “We need to know that in our state, which has not yet been renewed by grace, we are unable to see dreams other than those made up of the delirium of the soul and the slander of demons... How our consolation during our wakefulness consists of tenderness, born from the consciousness of our sins , from the memory of death and the judgment of God... so in a dream, very rarely, in extreme need, the angels of God present to us either our death, or hellish torment, or a terrible near-death and afterlife judgment. From such dreams we come to the fear of God, to tenderness, to crying for ourselves. But such dreams are given very rarely to an ascetic or even to an obvious and fierce sinner, according to the special unknown vision of God.”

You shouldn't believe dreams

Although the holy fathers, as shown above, recognized that there are dreams from God, however, due to the fact that for people who are spiritually imperfect, it is impossible to distinguish these dreams from devilish obsessions, the saints unanimously and categorically call not to believe in dreams at all. To confirm the seriousness of this threat, examples are given of how sometimes even very experienced ascetics suffered falls due to trust in dreams.

Blessed Diadochos of Photikis dedicated an entire section of his work to “the virtue of not believing in any dreams.” Calling this a “great virtue,” he defines its essence in the following rule: “Do not believe in any sleepy dream at all. For dreams, for the most part, are nothing more than idols of thoughts, a play of the imagination, or demonic abuse and fun of us. If, adhering to this rule, we sometimes do not accept such a dream that will be sent to us from God, then the loving Lord Jesus will not be angry with us for this, knowing that we dare to do this out of fear of demonic intrigues.”

St. Ephraim the Syrian calls: “Do not believe in deceptive dreams, beloved; “Dreams led many astray, and those who hoped in them fell” (Sir. 35: 7). For what measure of perfection have we achieved so that we can see visions of angels?” The Monk Peter of Damascus also speaks about not giving any attention to any dreams at all: “Whoever wants to achieve dispassion must... also not be afraid of dreams, evil or seemingly good, neither thoughts of evil or good, nor sadness or seemingly joy.”

The Venerable Macarius of Optina writes: “When you believe in dreams, it is certainly no wonder that you will fall into delusion. The Holy Fathers completely reject and tell us not to believe dreams, for us passionate and self-important people. Instead of being embarrassed by an empty dream, you need to look at your sins and always reproach yourself for not correcting yourself and humble yourself, which will attract God’s help.” “Let her be wary of believing dreams; peace of conscience is enough for her; even if the dream was blessed, it will not be a sin when, fearing delusion, he considers himself unworthy of it.”

From St. Theophan the Recluse we read: “In your Lenten letter you ask whether dreams can be believed? It’s better not to believe, because even in reality the enemy brings a lot of trifles to mind, but in a dream it’s even more convenient for him. If any dreams come true, then, after they come true, thank the Lord for his mercy. And give thanks for pleasant and edifying dreams. Quickly cleanse your soul and memory from seductive dreams upon awakening. The best way to do this is prayer and bringing to memory good events, especially from gospel history.”

Venerable Ambrose of Optina: “Most of all, beware of believing your dreams and dreams, try to forget them and do not attribute any meaning to them.”

Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) explains in detail “how foolish it is to listen, much less trust, to dreams, and what terrible harm can arise from trusting them. From attention to dreams, trust in them certainly creeps into the soul, and therefore attention itself is strictly forbidden.”

Dream of the Righteous

Blessed Jerome of Stridon says: “The Apostle commands us to always pray, but among the saints even sleep itself is a prayer.” The Monk Abba Thalassius testifies to the same thing: “The mind, freed from passions, sees subtle thoughts both when the body is awake and when it plunges into sleep.” St. Maximus the Confessor: “When the soul begins to feel healthy, then it will begin to have pure and serene dreams.”

Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov): “Nature renewed by the Holy Spirit is governed by completely different laws than nature that is fallen and stagnant in its fall... Their thoughts and dreams, which are outside the control of human reason and will during sleep, acting in other people unconsciously, according to the demands of nature, act in them under the guidance of the Spirit, and the dreams of such people have spiritual meaning.”

St. John writes in more detail about this state, that is, about the sleep of a perfect ascetic: “When he falls asleep a little, his sleep is like someone else’s wakefulness; for the fire of his heart does not allow him to fall into sleep, and he sings with David: “Enlighten my eyes, lest I sleep into death” (Ps. 12:4). He who reaches this measure and has already tasted its sweetness understands what has been said; such a person does not become intoxicated with sensual sleep, but only uses natural sleep.”

Naturally, with such a dream there are other types of dreams. The Monk Zosima Verkhovsky, talking about the spiritual experience of his teacher, the Monk Basilisk, wrote that he often had spiritual visions in his sleep: “In such sleepy visions he sometimes sees, as if in revelation, the future rewards prepared for sinners and the righteous, but, perplexed, how to explain both of them, he says that the reward for sinners is inscrutable because of terrible horror and unbearable painful cruelty, and for the righteous - because of wonderful glory and indescribable sweetness and joy. Sometimes he foresaw certain changes in the lives of his and other fathers, which eventually came true.”

How often do people develop a phobia due to illness! Especially at a time when doctors cannot make a definite diagnosis. Such a person worries about loved ones, because he might leave them. And a disease about which the person knows nothing seems fatal. A dream in which such a person received a prediction is just panic.

What if you dream of a death prediction?

What should you always remember and what should you never forget? Thought is material and creative. It can also become destructive. A person who believes in a foreshadowing in his dream may get sick and even die on the day predicted to him. And after that, everyone will begin to believe in such a significant and prophetic dream. No one would dare to assume that the person not only set the day of his death, but also fulfilled his plans. Therefore, to believe that the prediction was a dream about a long life is not only correct, but also necessary. Dreams, of course, sometimes come true. But only if a person allows them to come true. This is the key point.

Prophecies do come to people. It happens. Predicting death can frighten a sleeping person, and the thought of sleep will not leave you for a moment. But the prediction can be dreamed of simply because of poor health that night.

The body, anticipating illness, simulates the situation and a message about illness is sent in the form of an unpleasant magical dream. In the same way, a person can feel problems with loved ones. But if everyone who dreams like this actually died, then there would be no living people left on the planet. Sometimes such a dream carries a spiritual message. A person is sent some kind of hint from above. From the point of view of healthy atheism, this hint is sent by the subconscious. So why do you dream about predicting death? It's about changing your life. Perhaps the person has lost his way.

What does it portend?

Any nightmare leaves an unpleasant aftertaste. But all this happens for a reason. Instead of giving in to fears, it is better to cleanse yourself. If someone believes in God, it is worth going to church. If the prediction of death concerned someone you know, then you need to pay more attention to this person in your life. Almost all people in childhood want to live at least a hundred years. But this is a fairly short period of time. We need to appreciate the hours and minutes given to us. This is exactly what a person’s dream should tell him about. Don't deprive yourself of the joys of feeling life.

One woman had a dream that her sister would die. She really died on that day, but ten years later. If we consider the opposite situation, turning on sober thinking, then this dream-prediction is similar to a purchased lottery ticket. Are there many people on the planet who win millions?

Should you trust your dreams and your premonitions? Perhaps you just need to listen to them. But believing in something bad and living in panic is absolutely unreasonable. People who trust their intuition can foresee unpleasant circumstances. But any of them will say that you never know when your intuition has worked.

The most important and interesting on the topic: “Prediction of death to see in a dream” with a full description.

If in a dream someone predicted death for you, then you should not take everything literally. Although the interpretation of dreams is also a kind of prediction, in dreams we receive warnings in the form of riddles and hints. Therefore, wanting to understand why such a vision is dreamed, dream books recommend taking into account all the details of the plot, passing them through the prism of associations.

G. Miller's predictions

According to the version proposed by Miller’s dream book, prediction in a dream plays a complex role. So, for example, if you dreamed that you were predicting something for someone, this means quick and drastic changes in life.

But listening to fortune predictions about loneliness from a witch in a dream is a sign that you should postpone getting married and concluding important financial transactions. Such stories, for the most part, mean failures and mistakes.

Who prophesied

Most dream books, when interpreting what predictions mean in dreams, focus on who exactly prophesied the future for you. Here are several options for dreamed oracles and their interpretations:

  • the gypsy has guessed on the Tarot cards - be prepared for betrayal or deception;
  • the horoscope suggested that fate will give you a chance to correct the situation that is not in your favor;
  • the witch gave a prediction - you should not let your life take its course;
  • a psychic sees your aura - do not blindly trust those who have not been checked “in action”;
  • the medium conveyed the words of the deceased - you have made a mistake for which you need to repent.

Life or Death: Learn Self-Control

It’s not very pleasant to hear predictions of your own death or illness in a dream, but in reality, everything doesn’t look so dangerous, Medea’s dream book assures.

If you dreamed that you were predicted to die, then remember your emotions about this. The prediction caused you to panic - you will make a number of mistakes due to your inability to control your own emotions; and if predicting your death did not cause you to panic, or even made you laugh, then this is a sign of self-confidence.

But hearing about a happy life in a dream is a sign that problems await you that can ruin your mood and confuse your plans, warns Vanga’s dream book. Do you see in a dream that you were predicted to have a long life, but not a happy one? This indicates unexpected but easily solvable problems.

The betrothed-mummer, or Love will come, but learn to wait...

The same well-known dream book of Vanga, explaining why one dreams of fortune telling about a loved one, says the following: if you are unsure about the relationship of a guy who actually exists in your life, then you should not check him through rumors - ask directly. This will help you avoid making misjudgments.

But the Eastern Dream Book, having dreamed of a prediction of love that the dreamer does not have in reality, has prepared its own interpretation of the dream: do not rush to “throw yourself on the neck” of the first person who compliments you - happiness is already nearby, but you need to wait a little for it.

Family life as a symbol of relationships

If you dreamed that a fortune teller, having looked into a magic ball, was silent about your future, then this may mean misunderstandings and discord in the family, the Muslim dream book suggests. And if the fortune teller’s speech is full of rosy predictions for the future, then you should be vigilant - someone wishes you harm.

Did a fortune teller in a dream predict a woman's marriage or pregnancy and the birth of a child in the near future? Such a dream does not always have direct interpretations; it is quite possible that fate hints to a woman about her unconscious desires.

But why does a girl in the late stages of pregnancy dream of hearing her son’s birth date in a dream: find out whose name day is celebrated on this day, and name the boy one of the suggested names - then he will be a happy person.

Fortune telling for career success: Don't dwell on failures

To receive a good prediction about your career in a dream, according to most dream books, is a signal that you are too focused on work. Slow down, otherwise you will experience “emotional burnout.” But a prediction about losing a job, on the contrary, promises promotions and all sorts of honors, suggests Miss Hasse’s dream book.

Did you dream that a bad job prediction came true? There is no need to worry, but you need to be puzzled - you are doing something wrong, and this kind of dream is a warning about this.

But won't finance sing romances? How to prevent ruin

Pastor Loff's dream book will help you understand why you dream about going broke. If you see in a dream that with the help of magic you are trying to correct the financial crisis that has occurred in life, then this means that in reality, with the help of friends or relatives, you will be able to increase your income.

And if you dreamed that you received predictions about a meeting with a rich and influential person, then according to the explanation of why such a vision is dreamed, it is a symbol of persistent and painstaking work, says the interpreter.

Over the course of six months, I saw two dreams in which I was directly informed about the death of my relative, Aunt Vera. She went to live in another city with her nine-year-old daughter Marina. We don’t see each other, we only call each other or text each other. Now she’s doing well: she’s settled in a new place and found a husband.

In my first dream, I and my friends and acquaintances found myself in the hall of a large house, or rather a palace. By the way, in these mansions with me there were not only acquaintances, but also strangers with whom I fleetingly crossed paths in reality or on the Internet (maybe you were present there too). A lot of material goods were stored in this room: from simple things to jewelry and masterpieces. I felt that all this wealth belonged to the owner, and this owner generously gave it to us, saying, take what you want and take it away (if you can).

I also felt that I was a little afraid of this owner. The time spent in the palace was limited. I don’t know why, but I definitely had to leave it, perhaps leave with my pockets full of jewelry (now I know that this is unrealistic). It is believed that if someone gives you something in a dream, then you have to take it. So they took everything, although they did it without thinking about what was considered there. It’s just that everyone present fell into some kind of trance and acted like crazy. I twirled the necklace in my hands and realized that was it. We must hurry, get out of the palace. I thought with contempt for myself, why do I even need this junk? Already physically feeling how time was running out, I dropped everything and ran to the exit. And as luck would have it, it happens in a dream, it moved in slow motion.

An unfamiliar girl in white clothes appeared in front of me. She was also in a hurry, and she did it better than me. Having passed the door leading out of the hall, we met the owner (of an admirable appearance) and looked back. The hall was filled with thick fog, swallowing up the rest of the people, then I turned my gaze to the owner of the palace. He told us “so run quickly,” and I started moving again in slow motion. There was no time left. I realized that I wouldn’t be able to make it to the door to freedom, it was far away, the palace was after all.

So, there was only one way out - mirrors. Luckily there were a lot of them. Looking into the nearest mirror, I saw a gaping black hole instead of reflective glass. My legs moved even more slowly, although I made a lot of effort. The girl in white was still ahead of me. Suddenly she turned to face me. I recoiled in surprise, and she quickly said in a shrill voice: “Faith is next.” After that, she dived into the blackness of the mirror, and it became normal. The hole disappeared and was covered with glass. Time was up, and I was left standing in the huge golden hall, digesting what was happening. Finally it dawned on me where I was and who the owner of the palace was. He was the owner of the cemetery.

When I woke up, I continued to think about the dream. Some time passed and I explained my vision. The things in that room symbolized our everyday, hectic life, drowning in materialism. The door (threshold) between the hall and the hall is an intermediary between material life and the pre-death stage. The owner of the cemetery was in the hall, just like at the border. The girl who was running in front of me, it seems to me that this is my dead relative, although maybe she’s just a dead woman. Behind the walls of the palace is another world. The fact that the girl in white entered another world through a mirror (and not through the main door to the street) speaks of prematurity, or rather, an early death. Well, the time allotted to us is always limited. The girl in white dived into another world and said that Vera is next, which means Vera will dive there after her. The question is when? If I entered a black hole, I would know everything, but I would not be able to tell anything.

In the second dream, I was in my native rural house. Besides me, there were two children there: an older girl and a little boy. I didn’t immediately recognize the girl as my cousin Marina, Vera’s daughter. I didn’t recognize it right away, because at the moment Marina is 9 years old, but in the dream she was 14-15. She has a memorable eye shape. Basically, I figured it out based on it. The boy doesn't know who he is. I didn’t get a good look at him, I remember that he was small, maybe 4-5 years old. Both children were dirty, as if a chimney had been cleaned. We sat in the room on the sofa. Marina, looking at me, asked: “Can I live with you?” I answered: “You can, of course,” and went out into the corridor.

My mother was fussing in the corridor, seemingly looking for something and cursing loudly. She screamed so loudly that nothing could be heard. I asked her to say it in a nice way, but the hysteria only intensified. In the end, I managed to achieve a clear phrase: “Faith has drowned.” The swearing continued, and I froze, then asked to repeat it, but I only caught a rattling cry: “What did I hear!”

When I woke up, the first thing I remembered was the palace and the owner of the cemetery. If you believe these two dreams, then Aunt Vera should pass away first from the present composition of our family. Maybe someone will add their thoughts on this matter.

In order to answer the main question that this article covers, namely “what dreams of death”, it is necessary to determine what sleep and dreams are.

Sleep is an important process inherent in every person.

The main scientific definition that exists in the modern world: sleep is a special natural physiological process of being in a state with minimal brain activity and low reaction to the outside world. It is not unique to humans. There are two main stages of sleep: REM sleep and slow-wave sleep. There’s no point in going into this, let’s leave it to the scientists.

Every person goes to bed in order to rest; during sleep, almost everyone dreams. This applies to both people and animals. Dreams can carry both positive emotions (after such a dream a person wakes up rested, full of energy, joyful) and negative (after waking up a person feels excitement, nervousness and even fear).

A person spends one third of his life in a dream, so many people believe that sleep is simply another reality where ordinary life takes place.

Origin of Dreams

Why do we dream about something, where do dreams come from, can dreams come true - no one has ever answered these and other questions. The origin of dreams is a curious phenomenon, a mystery for scientists that they are not yet able to solve. Just fifty-five years ago, the study of brain activity during sleep began, so we can conclude that scientists who study sleep and the body's activities during sleep still have a long way to go, and this mystery will soon be solved. In the meantime, we will have to rely on small discoveries in this area and use the interpretations of the dreams of our ancestors.

Prophetic dreams

Do dreams come true? This is one of the questions that has troubled humanity since ancient times.

According to a survey conducted in 2013, 41% of people had prophetic dreams, that is, those that came true in real life after some time.

Most scientists who study this issue are skeptical about the evidence that some people's dreams come true. They claim that the dream that allegedly came true is just a coincidence. The person is so excited by the dream that he himself looks for coincidences and draws parallels with the events taking place around him.

There is an opinion that almost all scientists adhere to: sleep is just a visual representation of the work of our nervous system. If the dreams are calm and positive, the nervous system is in order, but if the dreams are dark, negative and repeated several times over a certain period of time, it means that something is haunting the person. This could be a quarrel with a loved one, a bad deed, an insult, etc. Or this is how the body gives signals about illness. In any case, you need to contact a specialist (for example, a psychologist).

Dreams about death

Perhaps the most terrible dreams that everyone has had are dreams about their own death or the death of a loved one. Almost everyone has asked the question: “What do you dream about before you die?” And from a scientific point of view there is an explanation for this. Death worries any person, even in the modern world the attitude towards it does not change: they are afraid of it, they don’t talk about it, death is grief. Every person faces death every day - bad news is broadcast on TV, radio, they write about the death of this or that person on social networks, in newspapers. This information, along with feelings about oneself and loved ones, is deposited somewhere in the subconscious, which gives out this information in a dream.

But as stated above, this is from a scientific point of view. Below we will consider what our ancestors thought about such dreams, how they interpreted dreams about death. Are there scientists who believe that dreams of this nature come true?

It is worth noting that in search engines there are very frequent queries about what dreams one has about death, before death. This issue will also be discussed below.

Dreams foreshadowing your own death

It is impossible to say with complete certainty that one dreams of one’s own death: for each person this will be a different dream. But still, something in common with such dreams can be identified.

On April 4, 1865, the sixteenth President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, went to bed. Suddenly the silence of the White House was broken by a woman's crying. Lincoln quickly stood up and walked towards the sound of this crying. So he found himself in a huge hall, in the middle of which stood a coffin, with an honor guard around the coffin. People in mourning clothes said goodbye to the man who was lying in a coffin. When Abraham Lincoln approached one of the honor guard soldiers and asked who had died, the soldier replied that the President. Thus, US President Abraham Lincoln dreamed of his own death, which, after waking up, he wrote about in his diary. Ten days after this death dream, Lincoln was assassinated in Washington during a theater performance.

Many famous people have had prophetic dreams about the death of their loved ones or their own deaths. For example, Metropolitan Philoret of Moscow saw his deceased father in a dream, who named the date of his death, which eventually came true.

These examples can already show that you dream about the death of yourself.

Images in dreams telling about one's own death

There is also a list of images that you may dream about your own death. These images were taken from dreams that people told. So:

The main image is a dead person. This image prophesies one’s own death if in a dream one takes the deceased for a living person: feed, wash, dance, pinch, tickle, take a steam bath with him, lift him in his arms, count his teeth, invite him to eat, etc. That is, this means that soon equal relations will be established between the one who had the dream and the one who is no longer in the world of the living. And since the dead cannot come to life, the one who had such a dream will die. If a deceased person simply dreams, is silent or talks, but does not interact in any way, this dream does not bode well for anything bad.

An image associated with the color white warns of death if you try on white shoes and then buy, see a white owl, a white flying dove, dress in all white, talk to someone who is dressed in white clothes, while the interlocutor has no faces are visible.

Images associated with the color black: a black horse, a black rabbit you killed.

Images associated with the cemetery: eating something from the grave, measuring yourself and the coffin, lying in the coffin, throwing money into the grave, buying wreaths and placing them near yourself, paying at the funeral home, hammering the coffin lid with nails, falling on the grave, buying bread and carry it to the cemetery - in a dream these are bad signs.

Images associated with the church: you light candles for your repose, you see yourself on an icon, you dropped icons, you drink holy water from the hands of saints, talk to God, refuse him, you see someone light candles for your health, you buy lamp oil , pour lamp oil, sing along to a song at a funeral service, etc.

Various images that predict one’s own death: burying oneself in the ground or clay, taking all things out of one’s home, covering mirrors with black cloth, buying or building a house with windows and doors clogged, saying goodbye to everyone, shaking off dirt from one’s clothes, seeing oneself in one shoe, seeing a black raven, a spider on your body, cutting black fabric, watering the ground with blood, stroking human bones with your hand, painting lips when dead, etc.

In fact, there are many such images, and dream books are constantly updated with new information, but it is impossible to verify how true this information is.

Dreaming about your own death - is it so scary?

However, many sources interpret your own death in a dream as a positive event, so do not rush to die. Most likely, a turning point has come in your life when you can safely start life from scratch, change something, meet the right people, find love and live a long and happy life.

Seeing your funeral in a dream means that you are ready to bury everything bad and old and start living in a new way.

Participating in your own funeral means that you will receive respect from others, your ideas will be recognized by other people.

Being killed in a dream does not mean very joyful events, but also not death: divorce, separation, intrigues of competitors, danger.

Dreams foreshadowing the death of a loved one

It is also impossible to accurately answer the question of what dreams mean about the death of loved ones. Dreams are dreamed and interpreted in different ways. It all depends on the person, his emotional state, character, etc. “What do you dream about the death of loved ones?” - this question is also not so rare in search engines. Anyone wants to get an answer to it and try to prevent the loss of a loved one.

The most famous dream that warns of the death of a loved one is a dream with teeth. By the way, this is often what dreams about the death of a relative. So, if you see in a dream that a tooth falls out with blood, a blood relative will die; if the tooth is without blood, a close person will die, but not by blood, or a distant relative.

The dream about a bird is also very famous: if you dream of a bird that knocks on glass, breaks it, or flies into the room, breaks out and flies away, it means the death of a loved one or relative.

Other things you dream about the death of a loved one or relative: sand, which is very difficult to walk on, the setting sun, an empty bed, the person you call, but he doesn’t turn around and leaves (swims away).

Signs accompanying dreams of death

We must remember that warnings of death come not only in dreams, but also in life. It is worth paying attention to the following signs: a falling icon, a cracked wedding ring, a cracked mirror or dishes, a sunflower rotting in the middle, cracking walls, a cracked stove - to the death of the owner, mice gnawing clothes, a dog howling at night if the dog does not eat the food left after the patient - the patient will soon die.

Things that should not be done: plowing up an old cemetery - to the death of the eldest son, planting a Christmas tree in front of the house - to death in this house, planting a willow - the one who planted this willow will die when it is possible to make a shovel from this willow. Be the first to enter a new house - the first person to enter a new house will die early (that's why they let the cat in). Place the pillow on the table.

There are a lot of signs, a huge number of which we inherited from our grandparents, whether to believe in them or not is everyone’s business.

Dreams warning of the death of a husband

This is what you dream about the death of your husband:

  • cover your head with a white or black scarf;
  • losing shoes and not being found;
  • torn nail;
  • look for a lost horse in a dream;
  • losing a ring in a dream;
  • see an eclipse of the sun in a dream;
  • cutting down an oak tree in a dream;
  • see burning gates in a dream.

But when a husband dies in a dream, this does not mean at all that he will soon die in real life. Most likely, you are in a quarrel with him, this worries you and you need to make peace, or you are hiding something from him. In any case, you will need to have a serious conversation and “open up” to him.

There is very little information in various sources about what one dreams about the death of a husband; this article contains the main dreams that were told by women who subsequently lost their husbands.

The advice that can be given in this article is - do not be afraid of dreams, do not get hung up on their interpretation, try to perceive dreams as your fantasy, internal experiences, and if someone died in a dream, this does not mean that he will actually die tomorrow. This means that you do not want to be left without him in this world and are worried about him. Did you dream that you yourself died? Relax and enjoy life - you will live happily ever after with your loved ones and loving people.

If you are still interested in what this or that dream is about, look into the dream book. What you dream about death is an interesting question, but not so interesting as to get hung up on and study it, wasting your free time. It’s better to devote this time to your family and friends, and it doesn’t matter what and when you dreamed - live here and now!

Dreams are signals of illness

By the way, if you suddenly start dreaming about dead people, blood, coffins, funerals - do not rush to go to the search engine with the question of what you dream about death, do not prepare to die, but go to the hospital. Some scientists believe that dreams often carry vital information in terms of health, and a person is required to interpret it correctly. With the help of such dreams, the body can warn about diseases that are just beginning to emerge. There are hundreds of examples of such dreams that people have talked about.


Each person has his own symbols and signs, his own dreams before death. If you are worried about your teeth and gums in life, then most likely you will dream about teeth falling out and blood. A dove will not necessarily dream of death; for some, this bird is a symbol of the soul and dreams of the imminent appearance of a new person, and for many, dreams about a wedding and a wedding dress are happy. Therefore, it is impossible to find an answer to the question about what you dream about death that is suitable for you.

Dream Interpretation: what dreams do you have about death?

Sleep is a physiological process necessary for the human body to restore strength. But simply considering sleep as one of the necessary life processes, such as drinking water or breathing air, is not interesting to humanity.

It has long been noticed that certain symbols from dreams lead to certain consequences. When people noted this fact, they created dream interpreters. And now everyone can predict what will happen to them in the near future.

Why do you have dreams?

Teeth falling out

Some dreams are considered positive, and they carry a powerful charge of positive energy, promising a person changes for the better. But you shouldn’t discount those dreams that lead to negative consequences.

A person may be interested in what dreams about death? Are there certain symbols that predict the imminent death of the dreamer himself or his loved one?

Basic symbols

Many people know that if you dream of teeth falling out, it means death. If the tooth was bleeding, the dream means that a blood relative will die.

A dream in which a deceased relative calls you to follow him is perceived quite negatively. It is not the dream itself that is negative, but your action if you dream that you followed it.

Dreams that lead to death

What other symbols might you dream about before the death of the dreamer himself or his relative:

  • a celestial body that falls from the sky;
  • cross the river by boat;
  • cloudy, musty water;
  • digging holes;
  • otherworldly forces;
  • croaking crow;
  • falling into a well or other depression.

Actions of a sleeping person

It is worth remembering that these symbols do not mean that the dreamer will definitely die. In many dream interpreters they are perceived quite well. Thought is material, just don’t focus on the negative.

Even if you had a prophetic dream that promises imminent death, then you have a real chance to correct the situation. Analyze what you are dreaming about, think about what higher powers warned you about, what they wanted to protect you from.

Perhaps you should cancel your planned trip, not take up the proposed business, or change your lifestyle?

I dreamed of building a new house

Start analyzing the message of higher powers, improve the quality of your life, get rid of bad habits, friends that drag you to the bottom, work that no longer brings either joy or material benefits, but only nervous exhaustion. Remember, everything is in your hands, even a dream about death is not an indisputable accomplished fact. You will be able to change your destiny, the main thing is positive thinking and actions.

Dreamer's mood

Let's look at an example. In some dream books, it is believed that the construction of a new home or even a new house appears to the dreamer in night vision as a sign: a person will soon say goodbye to life.

At the same time, other interpreters write in black and white that changes for the better are coming. The dreamer will be able to improve his financial condition, expand his living space, and change his job to a more prestigious one.

The sleeping person only has to choose how he will react to this symbol? What will the dreamer direct his energy to? Will he begin to prepare for his imminent death and will go to great lengths, or will he finally take actions that will really change his life for the better?

Dream about passing away

Crossing a river in a boat in a dream

In ancient times, people believed that sleep was a little death. A person ceases to exist for those around him, he goes into a parallel reality, although his body remains with us. That is why many people endow dreams with such possibilities as prophetic dreams. It is believed that at this time we can “peep” what is happening there next.

Others say that dreams are simply a physiological state of the body. We need it to recharge. When everything is fine in real life, the nervous system shows us pleasant, calm dreams. When something doesn’t suit the dreamer, frightens or torments him, he is unable to completely get rid of negative emotions, so he sees terrible dreams, including dreams of death.

You can often hear that a person had a posthumous dream about angels or demons, and soon he died. A person can believe such information at will. It can be assumed that when the dreamer is sick and preparing to die, he naturally thinks about what awaits us after death. Perhaps such prophetic dreams about death are just a reflection of his real thoughts?

Visions that foretell the death of a relative

I dream about a bird knocking on the window

As already mentioned, when you dream that your teeth are falling out, especially if blood was visible, then the dream foreshadows the loss of a loved one. Sometimes similar predictions can be found when your hair falls out, you lose body parts.

What other dreams does the dream book consider as a sign of the death of a loved one?

When a bird knocks on your window, interpreters perceive it extremely negatively. Especially if she managed to break the glass, fly into the room, and then fly out.

It’s bad if you call your relative, but he leaves you without turning around, or sails away on a boat or ship.

A vision in which you are having difficulty moving because the sand is swallowing you up can also promise the imminent demise of the one you love.

An empty bed may indicate death, especially if you were hoping to see a certain person there.


Let’s say the dreamer is often haunted by visions of death, at night he walks through the cemetery, digs graves, communicates with deceased relatives - this should not frighten or lead to a state of hopelessness. Interpreters advise not to concentrate on the fact that this vision is dreamed of death. Perhaps higher powers are indicating to you that you are having health problems. Don’t be lazy to go to the doctor, get tested, ask your loved ones about it.

The main thing is not to attract negativity into your life. Let's give an example: if a black cat crosses your path, but you don't pay attention to it, then everything will be fine. If you start focusing on the fact that now the whole day will be painted in dark colors, bad luck will begin to await you at every step, then you shouldn’t wait for good events. Good things will happen, but due to your mood you simply won’t notice them.

Bad dreams are not always harbingers of negative events in life; perhaps you are simply uncomfortable sleeping, or is the room too stuffy?

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