Heating a wooden house is a common option. Arrangement of a boiler room in a wooden house Installation of a wood-burning boiler in a wooden house

The main advantage of solid fuel boilers is energy autonomy. To work, they do not need anything other than the fuel itself - firewood, peat, sawdust, coal, etc. Installing such a unit is a real way to reduce the cost of heating and hot water supply of a country house, cottage or even a small business. At the same time, you can start saving even at the stage of installation and connection, simply by doing them yourself. But for this you have to take into account that the requirements for the placement, installation and connection of solid fuel boilers differ from the installation standards for gas and electric heat generators. This means that you will have to equip the boiler room, the platform where the equipment will be located, and the piping in a special way.

Basic requirements for the boiler room

Household solid fuel heat generators are installed in separate dry rooms, outbuildings or separate buildings. The dimensions of the boiler room are determined by the dimensions of the unit, as well as the features of its maintenance, however, the smallest allowable area is 7 sq.m. At the same time, it is necessary to provide a place protected from atmospheric influences for storing the fuel supply - it must be dry before loading.

If the walls of the boiler room are made of combustible materials, they must be covered with a 2.5-3 cm layer of plaster or thermal insulation in the form of an 8 mm layer of asbestos and sheet iron. In the absence of fire protection of the ceiling, the distance from it to the boiler body must be at least 120 cm.

The normal operation of a solid fuel boiler is ensured by a stable air supply. Therefore, in the boiler room it is necessary to perform supply and exhaust ventilation. The channel of the first with dimensions of 30x30 cm should go to the lower part of the wall opposite the chimney, and the exhaust hole, the dimensions of which should be 40x40 cm, is located no more than 40 cm from the ceiling. The ventilation of the boiler room must provide normal draft. With its lack, the performance of the boiler decreases, and with an excess, it becomes difficult to regulate the process of fuel combustion.

The solid fuel boiler must be installed on a strictly horizontal fireproof (concrete or brick) platform with a thickness of about 7 cm. On a wooden floor, such equipment can only be installed with an intermediate brick layer covered with a 3-4 mm metal sheet or at least 5 cm cement screed . The base of the solid fuel boiler should be 10-20 cm wider than the outer dimensions of the body, but the sides of the firebox should additionally be equipped with a safety zone with a width of at least 40 cm.

Installation standards

Requirements for the installation of solid fuel heating boilers are regulated by the Fire Safety Standards (NPB) and Building Codes and Rules (SNiP). It is very important to follow the provisions of these regulatory documents, since not only the efficiency of the heating system being equipped, but also the safety of the residents of your home directly depends on this.

Basic standards for the installation of solid fuel boilers:

Connecting a solid fuel boiler from various angles in the photo

What do you need to install a solid fuel boiler with your own hands?

If you are not going to involve specialists for the installation of a solid fuel boiler, you will have to prepare for work yourself.

First of all, you will need overalls and tools:

To connect the boiler to the heating system, you must additionally purchase:

The most important thing when installing a heat generator is to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Before starting installation work, it is necessary to assemble the heating system and check it for leaks, as well as organize ventilation and smoke exhaust systems in the boiler room.

Heating systems based on solid fuel boilers should be equipped with open expansion tanks, the function of which is to protect communications from breaking due to overheating of the coolant.

The subtleties of installing solid fuel boilers

The boiler piping scheme is adopted in accordance with the characteristics of the heated object.

It can be implemented using one of the following options:

  • boiler in an open heating system with natural circulation and radiators;
  • boiler in a closed system with forced circulation and radiators;
  • boiler with thermal accumulator in a closed forced system with radiators;
  • boiler with a thermal accumulator in a closed system with forced circulation and underfloor heating;
  • boiler with radiators and underfloor heating as part of a forced circulation system.

The piping of a solid fuel boiler must be equipped with a security system. The latter includes:

  • thermal accumulator or buffer tank;
  • three-way valve for mixing cold water;
  • thermostat in the control system.

The safety group of a solid fuel boiler is installed at the outlet, i.e. on the hot water line.

Immediately before installing a solid fuel boiler, it is necessary to carry out its visual inspection and test firing in the open air for about 1 hour at the maximum load of the combustion chamber.

According to the requirements of SNiP, after connecting the boiler, a hydraulic test of the system under pressure with a holding time of 24 hours should be carried out.

For this you need:

  • connect water, open all taps and valves;
  • raise the pressure in the system to 1.3 atm (control valve);
  • make sure that there are no leaks, especially in the places of welded and threaded connections.

If the installation, piping and connection of the boiler are performed correctly, there will be no pressure loss and no leakage of the coolant. In this case, you can proceed to the revision of the boiler itself:

First start of the heating system

Before the first kindling of the boiler, the pressure in the system should be about 1 atm. Don't forget to open the damper on the chimney. The kindling material is placed on the grate, after which fuel can be loaded into the combustion chamber. After 10-15 minutes from the moment of ignition, the ignition damper should be closed. When the temperature of the coolant in the system reaches 85 ° C, you should adjust the thermostat, and then set the minimum (about 5 cm) gap between the primary damper and the furnace door.

Installing a solid fuel boiler is not an easy task, but it is quite solvable. It is important not only to comply with the requirements of regulatory documents, but also to follow elementary logic. And do not forget to use the successful experience of those who have already dealt with the organization of heating systems based on solid fuel heat generators. The most important thing is to ensure the optimal operation of the heating equipment. After all, its reliability and durability and, of course, the microclimate in the premises of your home directly depend on this.

Proper installation and connection of a solid fuel boiler on video

Houses built from natural wood have always been popular among lovers of comfort, a healthy lifestyle and environmental friendliness. When choosing such a structure, such an important issue as heating in a wooden house comes to the fore. Which type is considered the most appropriate and allows you to save on fuel as much as possible?

Factors influencing the choice of type of heating

Centralized heating in country houses often does not give the effect that can be provided by its autonomous types, in which the consumer receives individual adjustment of the heating regime parameters.

When choosing the optimal heating method, it is worth considering the following important points:

  • convenience and ease of use;
  • maximum reduction of heat loss;
  • minimization of system maintenance costs;
  • aesthetics of the units and their compliance with the design of the room.

It is also important to consider the frequency of living in the house: all year round or during the summer season.

Types of heating wooden houses

In order for a log house to be cool in summer and warm and cozy in winter, it is important to choose the right heating options based on modern heating systems.

Electric heating

Heating a wooden house through electric heating guarantees residents the ease of controlling appliances and the absence of harmful emissions. In addition, there is no need to build a separate boiler room and chimney.

The advantages of the electric type of heating are expressed in the following points: efficiency, compactness of the system, high level of safety, ease of maintenance.

The electrical system has practically no flaws, but it can be affected by external factors in the form of an ever-increasing resource cost and imperfect operation of power networks with frequent voltage drops. To protect yourself from such problems, you can stock up on a generator, but in this case, the issue of savings becomes moot.

If water electric heating is used, then the risk lies in the coolant, which, if the equipment is used incorrectly, can leak or freeze.

Electric heating is provided by:

  • heaters (mounted, floor, built-in - such as underfloor heating);
  • radiators equipped with individual heating elements;
  • radiator heating scheme, the "heart" of which is considered to be a heating electric boiler.

Gas heating in a wooden house is an easy-to-maintain and quite effective method that provides high efficiency, but at the same time requires increased attention to safety. This is especially true for wooden structures in which it is planned to install a gas boiler.

In addition, far from all suburban settlements have gas supplied, which is also a problem that can be solved by installing a special container for storing imported gas on the site - a gas tank or by purchasing cylinders, but this will significantly increase costs.

Solid fuel

Solid fuel equipment is considered the best option for heating those houses that do not have access to a gas pipeline and where there is questionable operation of the power grid.

Such heating is efficient and less expensive than an electric unit, and also attracts by the low price of equipment and the possibility of installing all the elements with your own hands. In modern models of solid fuel boilers, components and parts are provided that improve their efficiency: for example, an automatic machine for metered supply of coal to the boiler.

For normal operation of the unit, it is necessary to install it on the ground floor or in a specially built boiler room.

The raw material for heating this type of boiler is coal, peat, firewood, sawdust or pellets. The device becomes very hot during operation, which increases the risk of fire. In order to ensure safety, it is important that the boiler room is lined with non-combustible material. In addition, it is necessary to take care of the room intended for the storage of raw materials.


Stove heating in a wooden house provides warmth and comfort. Most often, stoves of the "Swede" type are used, which combine not only the functions of heat transfer, but also equipped with a hob and an oven. If desired, such a stove is supplemented with a fireplace and sleeping places are arranged near its wall.

The disadvantage of stove heating is the likelihood of poisoning by combustion products or ignition. In addition, the stove will be able to heat a house with a square of no more than 100 square meters with wood or coal. m.

liquid fuel

Oil-fired boilers are also particularly popular in areas where other heating options are not possible.

Diesel fuel (solar oil) is used as the main raw material. The advantage of this type of heating is considered to be the low cost of raw materials, and the main disadvantage is the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning, the occurrence of fires if safety precautions are not observed, and the need to equip special rooms.


Given the difficulties with popular heating systems, an innovative and rational heating scheme based on infrared radiation was developed.

The principle of operation of this equipment is the operation of heating elements that radiate thermal energy on the surface of a wooden house (furniture, walls, ceilings, floors), which, when heated, release heat into the air. At the same time, warm air rises and mixes with cold air, which avoids overheating and saves up to 70% of energy.

Infrared heaters are currently considered the only devices capable of heating an object zonally or pointwise.

Sometimes combined types of heating are used when several types are used simultaneously. This may be heating with an electric boiler, the functions of which, in the event of a power outage, begin to be performed by a solid fuel unit.

Installation of heating systems

In order to save money, the arrangement of the heating system can be done by hand. At the same time, it is very important to take into account all the norms, rules, follow the sequence of actions, as well as fire safety techniques.

Electrical system device

Installation of a system for heating a house with electricity is considered affordable even for those who do not have practical experience. Connection of convectors, selected in terms of power according to the quadrature of the room, is carried out using a conventional socket. If there are several devices, a separate machine in the electrical panel and an individual grounded power source should be installed on each of them.

Electric boilers are installed in a place convenient for piping at home, in addition, radiators made of bimetal, aluminum or steel are fixed in the rooms and pipes with fittings are installed.

It is desirable to make the coolant circulation system forced by installing an additional circulation pump. This will result in significant savings. A multi-tariff meter can also affect cost minimization.

Electric heating systems also include "warm floors". They are installed under the floor surface or in a concrete screed. It is important to provide good thermal insulation of the base under the floor, which will not allow heat to dissipate.

This type of heating can be carried out using the installation of a gas boiler (used if a gas pipeline is nearby) or a convector (it is advisable if the gas is imported). Boilers with electronic ignition are considered the most economical.

If the system is powered by a centralized boiler, then the coolant will circulate through pipes and radiators that provide heat to the room. At the same time, in addition to installing the pipeline, it is important to equip the boiler room and install a high-quality ventilation system there.

If a scheme with convection heating is chosen, then it is necessary to install pipes around the perimeter of the house, and the radiators should cut into them in parallel, and not breaking the system.

Convectors are placed in each room of the house under the window, a gas cylinder is placed nearby, and a coaxial pipe provides the removal of combustion products.

Solid and liquid fuel boilers

Such heating is most often used in areas where other methods of heating are not available. The installation of the boiler must be carried out in a specially designated room or on the basement floor. If you plan to install the system yourself, then it is worth considering some points:

  1. Mandatory installation of a compensation system.
  2. The use of high quality material (radiators and pipes).
  3. The importance of proper connections and docking of elements, preventing leakage.
  4. Reducing the number of risers (installation of wiring on all floors).

Important: Do not mount solid fuel boiler piping on a wooden wall!

The main thing is to do everything right when installing a heating system in a wooden house: strictly follow the instructions and adhere to safety requirements.

Among solid fuel boilers, wood-fired solid fuel boilers are the most popular.

Solid fuel boilers for wood

The boiler has an electric air blower, which is controlled by an electronic system from a thermostat. As a result of the change in the amount of air, the power of the boiler during the combustion process changes depending on the temperature of the coolant.

The electronic system displays various indicators to control the operating mode of the boiler. The boiler has an indicator of the minimum amount of fuel in the furnace and gives a signal about this to the owner. The design of a copper provides a possibility of additional loading of fuel without stopping process of burning.

Equipment manufacturers produce universal combined boilers, which can burn fuel in two modes - with air supply either from below or from above. The cost of such boilers is naturally higher.

Automatic solid fuel boilers

Automatic solid fuel boilers are on sale. It is more correct to call them semi-automatic, since the boiler still requires periodically certain actions from a person, albeit not every day.

You can get acquainted with the device and principle of operation of an automatic solid fuel boiler if you watch this video clip:

The fuel for the automatic boiler can be granular coal fraction 5 - 25 mm. or wood pellets - pellets, as well as pellets from other combustible materials - peat and waste of plant and animal origin.

The need to use only granulated fuel for burning in automatic boilers, causes certain difficulties for the owners of the house. The cost of such fuel on the market is much higher than conventional chopped firewood or coal.

In automatic boilers, manufacturers often provide for the possibility of replacing the burner for granular fuel with another burner for gas or liquid fuel. Instead of a burner, grates can be installed. In this version, the boiler turns into a conventional wood-fired boiler.

Granular fuel is usually sold in bags. Fuel is easily and dust-free loaded into the boiler bunker. One load of the bunker is enough for 3-10 days of boiler operation.

After ignition at the beginning of the heating season, combustion in an automatic boiler is continuous. The automatic boiler can operate in two modes:

  • Active combustion mode, at which the boiler power can be in the range of 10 - 100% of the nominal.
  • Burning support mode, when the power of the boiler is chosen so as to ensure the temperature of the coolant in the boiler circuit is about 55 degrees C. The automatic controller puts the boiler into support mode when there is no heat extraction from the heating circuit. This mode is necessary to protect the boiler from low-temperature corrosion (see below for more details), and also ensures the constant readiness of the boiler to resume active combustion.

During the operation of the boiler it is necessary:

  • Monitor the filling of the bunker and load fuel into the bunker once every 3 to 7 days.
  • Remove ash from the removable ash drawer every 2 to 4 days.
  • Once a week, clean the internal surfaces of the boiler from deposits with a special tool.
  • Every year, before the start of the heating season, clean and check the boiler chimney for proper operation.

How to choose the power of a solid fuel boiler

A solid fuel boiler must be selected so that its rated heating output corresponds to the heat losses of the heated object.

Selecting a boiler with a too high rated power results in the boiler operating most of the time in the mode of significant power limitation. And this, in turn, leads to a decrease in efficiency (increase in fuel consumption), increased formation of deposits (soot, tar), accelerated corrosion of the boiler and chimney. The risk of overheating of the coolant in the boiler increases. The cost of boilers increases as the power increases.

That's why you should not buy a boiler with a significantly higher power than heat loss at home.

True, when choosing a boiler with a large margin of power, the duration of burning of one bookmark of fuel increases - there is more firewood in the furnace. But, it is advantageous to realize this advantage only in a heating system with a heat accumulator.

An accurate calculation of the heat losses of a house and the power of a heating boiler is a rather difficult task, the solution of which is best entrusted to specialist designers. Managers of the company that sells boilers will most likely advise you to choose a boiler with excess capacity - this is beneficial for them.

Approximately the power of the boiler for heating the house is chosen, guided by generally accepted values ​​of specific power per 10m 2 of heated area for climatic zones:

  • For the southern regions of Russia: 0.7 - 0.9 kW / 10m 2.
  • For the middle lane - 1.2 - 1.5 kW / 10m 2.
  • For the northern regions - 1.5 - 2 kW / 10m 2.

For example, for the region of Moscow in a house with a heated area of ​​​​150 m2, a boiler with a capacity of 150 m 2 x 1.2 kW / 10 m 2 \u003d 18 kW should be installed.

For a house built in compliance with modern energy saving requirements, the smaller of the indicated values ​​\u200b\u200bis used for calculation.

It should also be taken into account that the heat capacity of non-freezing liquids is 20% lower than that of water. When used as a heat carrier, the boiler power can drop by 10 - 15% of the nominal one.

It is recommended to use a water heating system with natural circulation of the coolant in houses with a heated area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 100m 2. In larger houses or in heating systems with underfloor heating, forced circulation of the coolant is used with the installation of circulation pumps.

Protection of a solid fuel boiler against overheating

In a solid fuel boiler, burning fuel, and the boiler itself, have a rather large mass. Therefore, the process of heat release in the boiler has a large inertia. The combustion of fuel and the heating of water in a solid fuel boiler cannot be stopped instantly by cutting off the fuel supply, as is done in a gas boiler.

Solid fuel boilers, more than others, are prone to overheating of the coolant- boiling water if the heat extraction is lost, for example, when the circulation of water in the heating system suddenly stops, or more heat is released in the boiler than is consumed.

Boiling water in the boiler leads to an increase in temperature and pressure in the heating system with all serious consequences - the destruction of the heating system equipment, injury to people, damage to property.

Modern closed heating systems with a solid fuel boiler are especially prone to overheating, as they contain a relatively small volume of coolant.

Heating systems usually use polymer pipes, control and distribution manifolds, various taps, valves and other fittings. Most elements of the heating system are very sensitive to overheating of the coolant and pressure surges caused by boiling water in the system.

The solid fuel boiler in the heating system must be protected against overheating of the coolant.

To protect the solid fuel boiler from overheating In a closed heating system that is not connected to the atmosphere, two steps must be taken:

  1. Shut off the combustion air supply to the boiler furnace in order to reduce the intensity of fuel combustion.
  2. Provide coolant cooling at the outlet of the boiler and prevent the temperature of the water from rising to a boil. Cooling should take place until the release of heat is reduced to a level at which boiling water becomes impossible.

Consider how to protect the boiler from overheating, using the heating circuit as an example, which is shown below.

Scheme of connecting a solid fuel boiler to a closed heating system

Scheme of a closed heating system with a solid fuel boiler.

1 - boiler safety group (safety valve, automatic air vent, pressure gauge); 2 - a tank with a supply of water for cooling the coolant in case of boiler overheating; 3 - float shut-off valve; 4 - thermal valve; 5 - group for connecting an expansion membrane tank; 6 - coolant circulation unit and boiler protection against low-temperature corrosion (with a pump and a three-way valve); 7 - heat exchanger protection against overheating.

Boiler protection against overheating works as follows. When the temperature of the coolant rises above 95 degrees, the thermostat on the boiler closes the damper for supplying air to the combustion chamber of the boiler.

Thermal valve pos.4 opens the supply of cold water from the tank pos.2 to the heat exchanger pos.7. Cold water flowing through the heat exchanger cools the coolant at the outlet of the boiler, preventing boiling.

The supply of water in the tank pos.2 is necessary in case of lack of water in the water supply, for example, during a power outage. Often a common storage tank is installed in the water supply system of the house. Then the water for cooling the boiler is taken from this tank.

A heat exchanger to protect the boiler from overheating and coolant cooling, pos. 7 and a thermal valve, pos. 4, are usually built into the boiler body by boiler manufacturers. This has become standard equipment for boilers designed for closed heating systems.

In addition to the requirements of Gaznadzor, the installation of a gas boiler in a wooden house must comply with fire safety rules and current building codes. There are restrictions that apply exclusively to buildings made of wood.

Is it possible to put a gas boiler in a wooden house

Existing SNiP allow the arrangement of a gas boiler house in a private wooden house. The exception is old-style multi-apartment buildings.

Requirements for a room for installing a gas boiler in a wooden house include the following:

  • The boiler room is located on the ground floor or in one of the rooms. In a wooden house, it is forbidden to mount a gas boiler in the basement, except for a specially equipped, separate room.
  • The room must comply with the requirements described in the PPB and sanitary standards.
  • It is forbidden to place heating equipment in living rooms. Installation in the kitchen-living room is not allowed, the room and the toilet are conditionally prohibited.
  • It is mandatory to have personal protective equipment and fire extinguishing equipment, as well as smoke detectors and fire alarms.
Before commissioning, the heating system is checked for operability, as well as for the availability of all necessary safety components. The Gaznadzor inspector will make sure that the requirements regarding the installation of boiler equipment are met.

Separately, an audit is carried out for the availability of all documents necessary for putting the boiler into operation. The minimum package of documents includes:

  1. Research results of an electrolaboratory testing parameters.
  2. Rostekhnadzor permission.
  3. House gas supply project.

The full list of documents is coordinated in the local department of the Gas Economy.

Requirements for a gas boiler house in a wooden house

The basic rules for installing a wall-mounted gas boiler in a wooden house cover three important areas:
  1. Norms specifying the minimum requirements for a boiler room.
  2. Rules for connecting the smoke exhaust and ventilation system.
  3. Existing fire safety regulations.
Permissible standards for arranging a gas boiler house inside a wooden building stipulate the types and types of interior decoration, a security system, the presence of a fire alarm and fire extinguishing equipment.

To install a boiler in a wooden house, you need to strictly comply with existing requirements. The gas boiler room is a place of increased fire danger, which will need to be taken into account during the arrangement.

Boiler Room Standards

The requirements for installing a floor-standing gas heating boiler in a wooden house take into account the features of operation and the increased fire hazard associated with the structural material of the building. In this regard, the standards indicate the need to comply with the following requirements:

If you coordinate the project of the future house with representatives of the gas industry even at the stage of manufacturing working schemes, you can avoid unnecessary material costs for altering the building.

Organization of ventilation and smoke removal

In a wooden house, special attention is paid to the installation of supply and exhaust ventilation and the correct connection of the smoke exhaust system. Minimum requirements applicable to the boiler room:

Some requirements for chimneys and forced ventilation are specified in the fire safety rules.

Fire regulations for a gas boiler in a wooden house

Fire regulations affect: the placement of the boiler, the arrangement of the boiler room and the installation of the smoke exhaust system:

Fire-resistant materials for walls, which are recommended for cladding the surface, are gypsum plaster mortars, GVL boards, etc.

How to hang a gas heating boiler in a wooden house

The technical conditions for installing a gas boiler in a frame or log house are significantly different.

In the first case, we are talking about a hollow material, therefore, special mounting rails are used for fixing. With a large weight of boiler equipment, it is recommended to install a gas boiler in a frame house on through studs that are fixed outside the building.

Hanging a boiler in a frame house significantly increases the load on the wall. There are restrictions on the weight of the equipment. If it is planned to install a model with a built-in buffer tank, floor-standing boilers should be preferred.

Methods of fixing the boiler on a wooden wall of a log or log house are easy to fix. For installation, special wood bolts are used to ensure reliable fastening.

When mounting attachments, you will need to comply with the PPB standards and maintain minimum distances to door and window openings.

What substrate to use on a wooden wall

If the boiler room is lined with wood, fire protection is provided. The substrate on a wooden wall under a gas boiler is performed in several ways:
  • A layer of basalt insulation is hung on the wall, after which it is sheathed with a steel sheet.
  • Use special basalt fireproof sheets. The advantage of this solution is the minimum thickness of the protective layer, while ensuring maximum fire protection.
Installation of a hinged boiler in a wooden house without first making a protective layer is prohibited!

Distances from the boiler to the ceiling, windows and doors

When planning a house, they take into account the future location of the boiler room and think over the exact installation site, taking into account the minimum requirements regarding distances to the ceiling, window and door openings. The boiler is placed taking into account the following requirements:
  • The boiler is located on a blank wall, without window and door openings.
  • For optimal air flow and air exchange of the room, the boiler is installed opposite the doorway. Minimum distance 2-3 m.
  • The distance to the floor is kept within 0.8-1.8 m. In this gap, it is allowed to install the boiler. The minimum distance to the ceiling is not less than 0.8 m.
  • The ceilings are sheathed with non-combustible material. GVL plate is optimally suited. Further finishing with gypsum mixtures is allowed.
If all requirements are met, a gas boiler house in a wooden house will be highly safe. After the examination, the Gaznadzor inspector will issue all the necessary documents and fill out an act on putting the heating equipment into operation.

The rules and nuances of placing a boiler room in a wooden house, from choosing a boiler to finishing the room. What you need to know in order to live not only comfortably, but also safely.

One of the main issues that arise when building a house from a bar is the organization of heating. The device of your own boiler room is the best option, allowing you to create comfortable living conditions at any time of the year. The boiler room, or furnace room, is a specially equipped room where the boiler and the whole range of appliances designed to heat the house and provide hot water are installed. Placing a boiler room in a wooden house has many rules and nuances, which we will discuss in our article.


First step boiler house equipment in a wooden house is the choice of premises. There are several types of boiler houses according to their location:

    Boiler room in a separate room. This location is considered the most preferable, both in terms of the convenience of the owners, and in terms of compliance with standards and regulations. Boiler and pump are sources of constant noise, autonomous location solves this problem. On the other hand, the Rules for the placement of boiler plants impose certain requirements on boiler rooms, which are easier to implement in a separate building. The power of a boiler installed in a separate room can be more than 200 kW.

    Boiler room in the annex. The advantage is the possibility of building a room close to the house, savings due to communications. The power requirements of the system are similar to those for stand-alone boilers.

    Boiler room in the house. As a rule, boiler rooms are equipped in the basement or on the ground floor, next to the bathroom, pantry, garage and other utility rooms. If you are looking for a project with the placement of a boiler room inside the house, we will be happy to offer you standard projects No. 18, No. 21, No. 36. These and other options are also possible with the organization of boiler rooms in a separate room or extension. When installing a boiler room in a wooden house, special attention must be paid to fire safety. Also, you will have to take care of the soundproofing of the boiler room. According to the rules, boiler installations with a capacity of not more than 30 kW can be placed in the kitchen, from 30 to 200 kW in separate rooms.


So, the place for the boiler room is determined. The next step is to choose a boiler. When buying a boiler, it is necessary to think over and take into account the whole range of factors: from the required power to the most profitable type of fuel in a particular case.


Gas boilers are profitable from an economic point of view, this explains their high popularity. This method of space heating is the cheapest with main fuel supply. Heating with liquefied gas will cost a little more, but will be no less effective. Among the advantages of gas heating are also: ecological purity of the energy carrier, less need for cleaning the boiler and chimney compared to boilers using other types of fuel.


Coal, firewood, fuel briquettes, pellets can be used as fuel in different types of solid fuel boilers. This is one of the most affordable heating methods, but its use is associated with a number of inconveniences. Fuel is added manually, this must be done constantly. Adjusting and setting the boiler to a certain temperature will be quite problematic. The chimney and boiler are often clogged and require cleaning. In addition, the use of solid fuel boilers in a wooden house is undesirable because of the possibility of sparks and coals falling on the surface, which can lead to a fire.


The source of heat during operation of this type of boiler is diesel fuel. Like solid fuel boilers, they are recommended to be placed in separate rooms to avoid fire. When designing the site, it is necessary to plan the possibility of vehicles approaching the refueling tanks. Oil-fired boilers are one of the most costly ways to heat rooms, they require constant maintenance, cleaning, and when fuel is burned, smoke with a pungent odor is produced.


When installing electric boilers, no additional requirements are imposed on the premises and their fire safety. Cleaning is not required, electric boilers are completely environmentally friendly. However, they also have their drawback - electricity tariffs are constantly growing.


In addition to the boiler, the boiler room requires the installation of a number of other devices and communications.

  • Water heater (boiler)― the storage device for water heating.
  • distribution manifold― for uniform distribution and circulation of water in system.
  • Expansion tank― for compensation of increase in pressure at heating of a heat carrier.
  • Chimney― for removal of products of burning from a copper on the street.

You will also need to install: safety valves, pressure gauge, air vent, make-up system, pipelines, valves, etc.


For safety reasons, a number of requirements are imposed on the arrangement of a boiler room in a private house, a detailed list of which can be found in the documentation SNiP II-35-76, chapter "Boiler plants", article 134 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 123-FZ "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements" . Let's consider the main ones.

  • No more than two boilers can be placed in one room.
  • The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe boiler room must not only be sufficient to accommodate all components of the system, but also comply with the rules established by SNiP. The minimum area of ​​​​the gas boiler room should be 7 square meters, the ceiling height should be at least 2.2 meters. The area of ​​a solid fuel boiler room cannot be less than 8 square meters, the ceiling height is 2.5 meters.
  • The boiler room must comply with fire safety standards. Walls should be brick, concrete, or finished so that all fire-prone surfaces are protected by metal sheets, tiles, or mineral plaster. Wooden buildings are subject to special requirements, up to the arrangement of their own fire extinguishing system.
  • The boiler must be installed at a distance from the walls, necessary for maintenance and repair work.
  • The boiler room must be equipped with an exhaust, forced or natural. Ventilation and chimney must be calculated according to the boiler output.
  • The door of the boiler room must be made of fire-resistant material and installed in such a way that it opens outwards.
  • The electrical wiring in the room must be hidden, the lighting fixtures are protected by a metal mesh. In gas boiler rooms, electrical equipment is taken out of the room, the wiring is laid in steel pipes.

These rules apply mainly to gas and solid fuel boilers. Electric boiler rooms do not need special conditions, they do not even need a separate room and can be placed anywhere, for example, in the kitchen.