Simple and useful diagrams. How to read electrical diagrams. Types of electrical circuits

You can make simple electronic circuits for home use with your own hands, even without deep knowledge of electronics. In fact, at the everyday level, radio is very simple. Knowledge of the elementary laws of electrical engineering (Ohm, Kirchhoff), the general principles of operation of semiconductor devices, skills in reading circuits, and the ability to work with an electric soldering iron is quite enough to assemble a simple circuit.

Radio amateur workshop

No matter how complex the scheme may have to be completed, you must have a minimum set of materials and tools in your home workshop:

  • Side cutters;
  • Tweezers;
  • Solder;
  • Flux;
  • Circuit boards;
  • Tester or multimeter;
  • Materials and tools for making the device body.

You should not purchase expensive professional tools and devices to begin with. An expensive soldering station or digital oscilloscope will be of little help to a novice radio amateur. At the beginning of your creative journey, the simplest instruments are sufficient, on which you need to hone your experience and skills.

Where to start

Do-it-yourself radio circuits for the home should not exceed the level of complexity that you have, otherwise it will only mean wasted time and materials. If you lack experience, it is better to limit yourself to the simplest schemes, and as you gain skills, improve them, replacing them with more complex ones.

Usually, most literature in the field of electronics for beginning radio amateurs gives a classic example of making the simplest receivers. This especially applies to classical old literature, which does not contain so many fundamental errors compared to modern literature.

Note! These schemes were designed for the enormous power of transmitting radio stations in the past. Today, transmitting centers use less power to transmit and try to move to shorter wavelengths. Don't waste time trying to make a working radio using a simple circuit.

Radio circuits for beginners should contain a maximum of two or three active elements - transistors. This will make it easier to understand the operation of the circuit and increase the level of knowledge.

What can be done

What can be done so that it is not difficult and can be used in practice at home? There can be many options:

  • Apartment call;
  • Christmas tree garland switch;
  • Backlight for modding the computer system unit.

Important! You should not design devices that operate on household AC power until you have sufficient experience. This is dangerous both for life and for others.

Quite simple circuits have amplifiers for computer speakers, made on specialized integrated circuits. Devices assembled on their basis contain a minimum number of elements and require virtually no adjustment.

You can often find circuits that need basic modifications and improvements that simplify manufacturing and configuration. But this should be done by an experienced master so that the final version is more accessible to a beginner.

What to use for the design

Most literature recommends constructing simple circuits on circuit boards. Nowadays this is quite simple. There are a wide variety of circuit boards available with different hole and trace configurations.

The installation principle is that the parts are installed on the board in free spaces, and then the necessary pins are connected to each other by jumpers, as indicated on the circuit diagram.

With due care, such a board can serve as the basis for many circuits. The power of the soldering iron for soldering should not exceed 25 W, then the risk of overheating radio elements and printed conductors will be minimized.

The solder should be low-melting, like POS-60, and as a flux it is best to use pure pine rosin or its solution in ethyl alcohol.

Highly qualified radio amateurs can themselves develop a printed circuit board design and make it on foil material, on which they can then solder radio elements. The design developed in this way will have optimal dimensions.

Design of the finished structure

Looking at the creations of beginners and experienced craftsmen, one can come to the conclusion that assembling and adjusting the device is not always the most difficult part of the design process. Sometimes a properly functioning device remains a set of parts with soldered wires, not covered by any housing. Nowadays, you no longer have to worry about making a case, because on sale you can find all kinds of sets of cases of any configuration and size.

Before you start manufacturing the design you like, you should fully think through all the stages of the work: from the availability of tools and all radio elements to the design of the housing. It will be completely uninteresting if during the work it turns out that one of the resistors is missing, and there are no replacement options. It is better to carry out the work under the guidance of an experienced radio amateur, and, as a last resort, periodically monitor the manufacturing process at each stage.


The electronic homemade section will be a good helper for you if you decide to become a self-taught electrician. Surely after a short period of time you will want to make some useful electrical appliance for your home, car or cottage with your own hands.

At the same time, homemade products can be useful not only in everyday life, but also made for sale, for example, a homemade battery charger.

Here you will find not only useful diagrams, but also electronic tricks and notes. Interesting electronic devices and circuits for them. From which you can make useful homemade products with your own hands.

Many electrical appliances can be repaired or new ones can be made with your own hands. For this home, there will always be something that can be converted to perform new functions: an old electronic watch, a children's car, an out-of-use computer and much more.

Useful crafts can always be repaired or remade.

Electronic homemade products are made by hand at home; it can be a homemade machine or a small radio bug. All inventions involve electricity, so don't forget to follow safety precautions!

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Now I will tell you how I made blinds on Arduino controlled via an IR remote control. Main parts of automatic blinds: Stepper motor 28BYJ-48; Stepper driver; Arduino (I used Nano). My next task is to make smart blinds using Arduino with automatic opening and closing from the TV remote control. We make automatic blinds using Arduino from a TV remote control. I bought the cheapest...


Each electrical circuit consists of many elements, which, in turn, also include various parts in their design. The most striking example is household appliances. Even a regular iron consists of a heating element, temperature regulator, pilot light, fuse, wire and plug. Other electrical appliances have an even more complex design, complemented by various relays, circuit breakers, electric motors, transformers and many other parts. An electrical connection is created between them, ensuring full interaction of all elements and each device fulfilling its purpose.

In this regard, the question very often arises of how to learn to read electrical diagrams, where all components are displayed in the form of conventional graphic symbols. This problem is of great importance for those who regularly deal with electrical installations. Correct reading of diagrams makes it possible to understand how the elements interact with each other and how all work processes proceed.

Types of electrical circuits

In order to correctly use electrical circuits, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the basic concepts and definitions affecting this area.

Any diagram is made in the form of a graphic image or drawing, on which, together with the equipment, all the connecting links of the electrical circuit are displayed. There are different types of electrical circuits that differ in their intended purpose. Their list includes primary and secondary circuits, alarm systems, protection, control and others. In addition, there are and are widely used principled and fully linear and expanded. Each of them has its own specific features.

Primary circuits include circuits through which the main process voltages are supplied directly from sources to consumers or receivers of electricity. Primary circuits generate, convert, transmit and distribute electrical energy. They consist of a main circuit and circuits that provide their own needs. The main circuit circuits generate, convert and distribute the main flow of electricity. Self-service circuits ensure the operation of essential electrical equipment. Through them, voltage is supplied to the electric motors of the installations, to the lighting system and to other areas.

Secondary circuits are considered to be those in which the applied voltage does not exceed 1 kilowatt. They provide automation, control, protection, and dispatch functions. Through secondary circuits, control, measurement and metering of electricity are carried out. Knowing these properties will help you learn to read electrical circuits.

Full-linear circuits are used in three-phase circuits. They display electrical equipment connected to all three phases. Single-line diagrams show equipment located on only one middle phase. This difference must be indicated on the diagram.

Schematic diagrams do not indicate minor elements that do not perform primary functions. Due to this, the image becomes simpler, allowing you to better understand the principle of operation of all equipment. Installation diagrams, on the contrary, are carried out in more detail, since they are used for the practical installation of all elements of the electrical network. These include single-line diagrams displayed directly on the construction plan of the facility, as well as diagrams of cable routes along with transformer substations and distribution points plotted on a simplified general plan.

During the installation and commissioning process, extensive circuits with secondary circuits have become widespread. They highlight additional functional subgroups of circuits related to switching on and off, individual protection of any section, and others.

Symbols in electrical diagrams

Every electrical circuit contains devices, elements, and parts that together form a path for electrical current. They are distinguished by the presence of electromagnetic processes associated with electromotive force, current and voltage, and described in physical laws.

In electrical circuits, all components can be divided into several groups:

  1. The first group includes devices that generate electricity or power sources.
  2. The second group of elements converts electricity into other types of energy. They perform the function of receivers or consumers.
  3. The components of the third group ensure the transfer of electricity from one element to another, that is, from the power source to electrical receivers. This also includes transformers, stabilizers and other devices that provide the required quality and voltage level.

Each device, element or part corresponds to a symbol used in graphic representations of electrical circuits, called electrical diagrams. In addition to the main symbols, they display the power lines connecting all these elements. The sections of the circuit along which the same currents flow are called branches. The places of their connections are nodes, indicated on electrical diagrams in the form of dots. There are closed current paths that cover several branches at once and are called electrical circuit circuits. The simplest electrical circuit diagram is single-circuit, while complex circuits consist of several circuits.

Most circuits consist of various electrical devices that differ in different operating modes, depending on the value of current and voltage. In idle mode, there is no current in the circuit at all. Sometimes such situations arise when connections are broken. In nominal mode, all elements operate with the current, voltage and power specified in the device passport.

All components and symbols of the elements of the electrical circuit are displayed graphically. The figures show that each element or device has its own symbol. For example, electrical machines may be depicted in a simplified or expanded manner. Depending on this, conditional graphic diagrams are also constructed. Single-line and multi-line images are used to show winding terminals. The number of lines depends on the number of pins, which will be different for different types of machines. In some cases, for ease of reading diagrams, mixed images can be used, when the stator winding is shown in expanded form, and the rotor winding is shown in a simplified form. Others are performed in the same way.

They are also carried out in simplified and expanded, single-line and multi-line methods. The way of displaying the devices themselves, their terminals, winding connections and other components depends on this. For example, in current transformers, a thick line, highlighted with dots, is used to depict the primary winding. For the secondary winding, a circle can be used in the simplified method or two semicircles in the expanded image method.

Graphic representations of other elements:

  • Contacts. They are used in switching devices and contact connections, mainly in switches, contactors and relays. They are divided into closing, breaking and switching, each of which has its own graphic design. If necessary, it is allowed to depict the contacts in a mirror-inverted form. The base of the moving part is marked with a special unshaded dot.
  • . They can be single-pole or multi-pole. The base of the moving contact is marked with a dot. For circuit breakers, the type of release is indicated in the image. Switches differ in the type of action; they can be push-button or track, with normally open and closed contacts.
  • Fuses, resistors, capacitors. Each of them corresponds to certain icons. Fuses are depicted as a rectangle with taps. For permanent resistors, the icon may have taps or no taps. The moving contact of a variable resistor is indicated by an arrow. The pictures of capacitors show constant and variable capacitance. There are separate images for polar and non-polar electrolytic capacitors.
  • Semiconductor devices. The simplest of them are pn junction diodes with one-way conduction. Therefore, they are depicted in the form of a triangle and an electrical connection line crossing it. The triangle is the anode, and the dash is the cathode. For other types of semiconductors, there are their own designations defined by the standard. Knowing these graphical drawings makes reading electrical circuits for dummies much easier.
  • Sources of light. Available on almost all electrical circuits. Depending on their purpose, they are displayed as lighting and warning lamps with corresponding icons. When depicting signal lamps, it is possible to shade a certain sector, corresponding to low power and low luminous flux. In alarm systems, along with light bulbs, acoustic devices are used - electric sirens, electric bells, electric horns and other similar devices.

How to read electrical diagrams correctly

A schematic diagram is a graphical representation of all the elements, parts and components between which an electronic connection is made using live conductors. It is the basis for the development of any electronic devices and electrical circuits. Therefore, every novice electrician must first master the ability to read a variety of circuit diagrams.

It is the correct reading of electrical diagrams for beginners that allows you to understand well how to connect all the parts to get the expected end result. That is, the device or circuit must fully perform its intended functions. To correctly read a circuit diagram, it is necessary, first of all, to familiarize yourself with the symbols of all its components. Each part is marked with its own graphic designation - UGO. Typically, such symbols reflect the general design, characteristic features and purpose of a particular element. The most striking examples are capacitors, resistors, speakers and other simple parts.

It is much more difficult to work with components represented by transistors, triacs, microcircuits, etc. The complex design of such elements also implies a more complex display of them on electrical circuits.

For example, each bipolar transistor has at least three terminals - base, collector and emitter. Therefore, their conventional representation requires special graphic symbols. This helps distinguish between parts with individual basic properties and characteristics. Each symbol carries certain encrypted information. For example, bipolar transistors may have completely different structures - p-p-p or p-p-p, so the images on the circuits will also be noticeably different. It is recommended that you carefully read all the elements before reading the electrical circuit diagrams.

Conditional images are often supplemented with clarifying information. Upon closer examination, you can see Latin alphabetic symbols next to each icon. This way, this or that detail is designated. This is important to know, especially when we are just learning to read electrical diagrams. There are also numbers next to the letter designations. They indicate the corresponding numbering or technical characteristics of the elements.

Outline: graphic document; presentation, image, presentation of something in the most general terms, simplified (for example, a diagram of a report); an electronic device containing many components (integrated circuit). Graphic document... ... Wikipedia

- (Greek schema – external appearance) figure; form, sketch, sample, generalized image. In Kant's philosophy, a diagram is a method necessary to make an abstract concept visual with the help of visual representations that replace it. In particular,… … Philosophical Encyclopedia

- (Greek schema). An image representing not the form, but the relationships and actions of objects. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. SCHEME Greek. schema, from scheo, to hold. Form considered separately from... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

SCHEME, diagrams, women. (Greek schema image, appearance). 1. A drawing depicting a system, structure of something, or the relationship of parts of something. Radio receiver circuit. Transformer circuit. Engine diagram. Construction diagram. 2. Presentation, description... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Cm … Synonym dictionary


scheme- A simplified graphic representation of an object or process with an explanation and description [Terminological dictionary for construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy USSR)] diagram A conventional graphic representation of an object, in general terms conveying its essence... ... Technical Translator's Guide

- “Scheme Z” is a method of connecting the output of a measuring generator to the input of (for example) a four-port network, in which the resistance of the generator output is NOT EQUAL to the resistance of the input of the four-port network. In this case, between the generator and the input... ... Wikipedia

scheme- SCHEME, the concept was introduced into circulation in connection with the analysis of the process of obtaining new knowledge by F. Bartlett in 1932. Then the concept of S. was developed by Neisser in the model of the perceptual cycle. D. Norman uses the concept of S. to describe... ... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

Scheme- is a document that shows the component parts of the product and the connections between them in the form of conventional images or symbols. [ESKD GOST 2.102 68] Scheme - a drawing that is part of the design documentation, explaining the main... ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials


  • Schema therapy for married couples. A Practical Guide to Healing Relationships, C. Simeone-Difrancesco, Roediger E. Stevens B. Schema Therapy for Married Couples is an excellent textbook on both marital therapy and the increasingly popular method of schema therapy. The authors adapt the idea of ​​modes...
  • Schema therapy for married couples. A Practical Guide to Healing Relationships, Chiara Simeone-DiFrancesco, Eckhard Roediger, Bruce Stevens. Schema Therapy for Married Couples is an excellent textbook on both marital therapy and the increasingly popular method of schema therapy...

Any radio or electrical device consists of a certain number of different electrical and radio elements (radio components). Take, for example, a very ordinary iron: it has a temperature regulator, a light bulb, a heating element, a fuse, wires and a plug.

An iron is an electrical device assembled from a special set of radio elements that have certain electrical properties, where the operation of the iron is based on the interaction of these elements with each other.

To carry out interaction, radioelements (radio components) are connected to each other electrically, and in some cases they are placed at a short distance from each other and interaction occurs through an inductive or capacitive coupling formed between them.

The easiest way to understand the structure of the iron is to take an accurate photograph or drawing of it. And to make the presentation comprehensive, you can take several close-up photographs of the exterior from different angles, and several photographs of the internal structure.

However, as you noticed, this way of representing the structure of the iron does not give us anything at all, since the photographs show only a general picture of the details of the iron. We don’t understand what radioelements it consists of, what their purpose is, what they represent, what function they perform in the operation of the iron and how they are connected to each other electrically.

That’s why, in order to have an idea of ​​what radioelements such electrical devices consist of, we developed graphic symbols radio components. And in order to understand what parts the device is made of, how these parts interact with each other and what processes take place, special electrical circuits were developed.

Electrical diagram is a drawing containing, in the form of conventional images or symbols, the components (radio elements) of an electrical device and the connections (connections) between them. That is, the electrical diagram shows how the radio elements are connected to each other.

Radio elements of electrical devices can be resistors, lamps, capacitors, microcircuits, transistors, diodes, switches, buttons, starters, etc., and connections and communications between them can be made by mounting wire, cable, plug-in connection, printed circuit board tracks, etc. .d.

Electrical circuits must be understandable to everyone who has to work with them, and therefore they are carried out in standard symbols and used according to a certain system established by state standards: GOST 2.701-2008; GOST 2.710-81; GOST 2.721-74; GOST 2.728-74; GOST 2.730-73.

There are three main types of schemes: structural, fundamental electrical, electrical connection diagrams (assembly).

Structural scheme(functional) is developed in the first stages of design and is intended for general familiarization with the operating principle of the device. On the diagram, rectangles, triangles or symbols depict the main nodes or blocks of the device, which are connected to each other by lines with arrows indicating the direction and sequence of connections to each other.

Electrical circuit diagram determines what radioelements (radio components) an electrical or radio device consists of, how these radio components are electrically connected to each other, and how they interact with each other. In the diagram, the parts of the device and the order of their connection are depicted with symbols symbolizing these parts. And although the circuit diagram does not give an idea of ​​​​the dimensions of the device and the placement of its parts on circuit boards, boards, panels, etc., it does allow you to understand in detail its operating principle.

Electrical connection diagram or it is also called wiring diagram, is a simplified design drawing depicting an electrical device in one or more projections, which shows the electrical connections of parts to each other. The diagram shows all the radioelements included in the device, their exact location, connection methods (wires, cables, harnesses), connection points, as well as input and output circuits (connectors, clamps, boards, connectors, etc.). Images of parts on diagrams are given in the form of rectangles, conventional graphic symbols, or in the form of simplified drawings of real parts.

The difference between a structural, circuit and wiring diagram will be shown further with specific examples, but we will place the main emphasis on circuit diagrams.

If you carefully examine the circuit diagram of any electrical device, you will notice that the symbols of some radio components are often repeated. Just as a word, phrase or sentence consists of letters assembled into words alternating in a certain order, so an electrical circuit consists of separate conventional graphic symbols of radio elements and their groups alternating in a certain order.

Conventional graphic symbols of radioelements are formed from the simplest geometric shapes: squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, as well as from solid and dashed lines and dots. Their combination according to the system provided by the ESKD standard (unified system of design documentation) makes it possible to easily depict radio components, instruments, electrical machines, electrical communication lines, types of connections, type of current, methods of measuring parameters, etc.

As a graphic designation of radioelements, their extremely simplified image is taken, in which either their most general and characteristic features are preserved, or their basic principle of operation is emphasized.

For example. A conventional resistor is a ceramic tube, on the surface of which is applied conductive layer, having a certain electrical resistance. Therefore, on electrical diagrams, a resistor is designated as rectangle, symbolizing the shape of a tube.

Thanks to this construction principle, memorizing conventional graphic symbols is not particularly difficult, and the compiled diagram is easy to read. And in order to learn how to read electrical circuits, first of all, you need to study the symbols, so to speak, the “alphabet” of electrical circuits.

We'll leave it at that. We will analyze three main types of electrical circuits that you will often encounter when developing or reproducing electronic or electrical equipment.
Good luck!